AirTies Air 4960X 사용자 설명서 - 페이지 18
{카테고리_이름} AirTies Air 4960X에 대한 사용자 설명서을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. AirTies Air 4960X 20 페이지. Wi-fi 6 smart mesh extender
AirTies Air 4960X에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 사용자 설명서 (20 페이지)
![AirTies Air 4960X 사용자 설명서](/uploads/products/server2/154785/154785.jpg)
Ref. PN.
RSI, 4960X, Generic, EN, Color, Single, R0, v0
Re gu la t or y St a t e m e n t s & Sa fe t y
The product should not be used in areas t hat present a
Do not at t em pt t o
Under t he following
This equipm ent is subj ect t o cert ain rest rict ions, 5150 t o
I n st r u ct ion s
risk of explosion or an explosive at m osphere. Such
disassem ble and repair
condit ions, your Product
5350 MHz frequency range is rest rict ed t o indoor use
environm ent s m ay include, but are not lim it ed t o, pet rol
t he product , it s power
m ust be repaired by a
when it is used in t he following count ries:
st at ions, boat s, st orage facilit ies and t ransport at ion unit s
adapt er, or cables.
qualified elect rician:
The following inst ruct ions apply t o t he " Product " which
Belgium ( BE) , Bulgaria ( BG) , Czech ( CZ) , Denm ark ( DK) ,
for chem icals, and anywhere t he air m ay cont ain
chem icals or large quant it ies of part icles such as grain,
Never push obj ect s of any
I f t he power adapt er or
Germ any ( DE) , Est onia ( EE) , I reland ( I E) , Greece ( EL) ,
M ode l N o: Air 4 9 6 0 X, Air 4 9 6 0 XR
Spain ( ES) , France ( FR) , Croat ia ( HR) , I t aly ( I T) , Cyprus
dust , or m et al.
kind int o t his device
cable is dam aged.
and it s accessories ( cables, power supply, et c.)
t hrough any openings
( CY) , Lat via ( LV) , Lit huania ( LT) , Luxem bourg ( LU) ,
I f t he product has been
Please read t hese guidelines carefully and keep t he
ot her t han t he " RESET"
Hungary ( HU) , Malt a ( MT) , Net herlands ( NL) , Aust ria
I n st a lla t ion a n d Pla ce m e n t
exposed t o rain or
( AT) , Poland ( PL) , Port ugal ( PT) , Rom ania ( RO) , Slovenia
docum ent for your reference. Product warrant y is void if
hole as t hey m ay t ouch
ot her m oist ure.
volt age point s or short cut
( SI ) , Slovakia ( SK) , Finland ( FI ) , Sweden ( SE) , Unit ed
you do not follow t he below guidelines
I f t he product does not
This product m ust not be
Use only approved
part s which could result in
Kingdom ( Nort hern I reland) ( UK( NI ) ) , Turkey ( TR) ,
inst alled or placed in a
accessories and power
operat e as expect ed
Norway ( NO) , Swit zerland ( CH) , I celand ( I S) ,
W ARN I N G: Do not use t his product near wat er, for
fire, explosion, or elect ric
locat ion subj ect t o direct
adapt er.
shock and perm anent ly
when following usage
Liecht enst ein ( LI ) .
exam ple, in a wet basem ent or near a swim m ing pool.
inst ruct ions.
sunlight , direct heat or
dam age t he product or
W ARN I N G: Avoid using t his product during an
excessive m oist ure.
Do not connect wit h
cause inj ury.
I f t he product has been
Com pliance wit h 2014/ 53/ EU Radio Equipm ent Direct ive
elect rical st orm . There m ay be a rem ot e risk of
incom pat ible product s or
dropped or is visibly
( RED) : I n accordance wit h Art icle 10.8( a) and 10.8( b) of
elect ric shock from light ning.
This product m ust not be
Do not expose your
dam aged.
t he RED, t he following t able provides inform at ion on t he
inst alled or used in areas
device or it s accessories
W ARN I N G: The power plug is designed t o act as a
You not ice a dist inct
frequency bands used and t he m axim um RF t ransm it
t hat are not sufficient ly
t o ext rem e t em perat ures,
power of Airt ies wireless product s for sale in t he EU:
disconnect device. The indoor power out let m ust be
vent ilat ed or t hat build up
keep wit hin t he range of
change in perform ance
easily accessible. This Product is int ended for indoor
t hat indicat es a need
excessive heat . Do not
m inim um 0° ( 32 F) and
use only.
for m aint enance.
Frequency range ( M H z) Channels used Max. Transm it Pow er ( dBm / m W )
cover or block t he
m axim um 40° ( 104 F)
vent ilat ion slot s of t he
degrees Celsius.
2 4 0 0 - 2 4 8 3 .5
1 - 1 3
You m ust be careful when using t he device near personal
m edical devices, such as pacem akers and hearing aids. All
5 1 5 0 - 5 2 5 0
3 6 - 4 8
wireless product s are sensit ive t o int erference which m ay
Hereby, Airt ies declares t hat t his device is in com pliance
5 2 5 0 - 5 3 5 0
5 2 - 6 4
affect t heir perform ance.
Pr odu ct M a in t e n a n ce a n d H a n dlin g
wit h Direct ive 2014/ 53/ EU.
This device is not int ended for use by young children.
5 4 7 0 - 5 7 2 5
1 0 0 - 1 4 0
The only way t o
Clean wit h a dam p clot h,
The full t ext of t he EU Declarat ion of Conform it y ( DoC) is
This device cont ains sm all part s which are a choking
com plet ely t urn off t he
avoid aerosol and liquid
available at t he following int ernet address:
TPC = Transm it Power Cont rol, a m echanism t hat reduces
power is t o unplug t he
ht t p: / / airt / declarat ions- of- conform it m l
t ransm it t ing power t o m inim ize int erference for nearby
product . Always unplug
RF Ex posu r e : I n line wit h RF exposure guidelines, t he
( Please click on t he m odel t o view t he relevant
net works.
before any kind of
Handle t he product
docum ent )
device m ust be used at least 20cm away from t he body.
Failure t o observe t hese inst ruct ions could result in RF
cleaning or m aint enance
carefully t o avoid dam age.
of t he product .
( According t o t he Guideline 2009 / 125 / EC of t he
exposure exceeding t he relevant guidelines.
European Parliam ent ) : 4.5 W
Re cyclin g of e le ct r ica l a n d e le ct r on ic
I f t his equipm ent does cause harm ful int erference t o
I C St a t e m e n t
radio or t elevision recept ion, which is found by t urning
e qu ipm e n t Pr odu ct Re cyclin g
I C Ra dia t ion Ex posu r e St a t e m e n t
t he equipm ent off and on, t he user is encouraged t o t ry
cont ains
licence- exem pt
t ransm it t er( s) /
receiver( s) t hat com ply wit h I nnovat ion, Science and
t o correct t he int erference by one or m ore of t he
This equipm ent com plies wit h I C RSS- 102 radiat ion
This sym bol indicat es t he obligat ion of separat e
following m easures:
Econom ic Developm ent Canada's licence- exem pt RSS( s) .
exposure lim it s set fort h for an uncont rolled environm ent .
collect ion of elect rical and elect ronic equipm ent
Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna
Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions:
This equipm ent should be inst alled and operat ed wit h
different iat ion
ot her
wast e.
( 1) This device m ay not cause int erference.
m inim um dist ance 22cm bet ween t he radiat or & your
Hazardous subst ances cont ained in elect rical
I ncrease t he separat ion bet ween t he equipm ent and
( 2) This device m ust accept any int erference, including
and elect ronic equipm ent and t heir im proper use m ay
int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion of t he
have adverse effect s on t he environm ent and hum an
Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a circuit
Cet équipem ent est conform e aux lim it es d'exposit ion aux
rayonnem ent s I C ét ablies pour un environnem ent non
healt h. Once out of use, t his product should be disposed
different from t hat t o which t he receiver is connect ed
of separat ely from regular household wast e st ream s.
Cet appareil cont ient des ém et t eurs / récept eurs exem pt s
cont rôlé. Cet équipem ent doit êt re inst allé et ut ilisé avec
radio/ TV
Please follow your local and nat ional guidelines for t he
de licence qui sont conform es au ( x) RSS ( s) exem pt és de
un m inim um de 22cm de dist ance ent re la source de
t echnician for assist ance
d'I nnovat ion,
Développem ent
rayonnem ent et vot re corps.
responsible disposal of elect ronic wast e when t he
product 's lifecycle is over.
économ ique Canada. L'opérat ion est soum ise aux deux
FCC Ca u t ion
condit ions suivant es:
Ope n Sou r ce Soft w a r e
The grant ee is not responsible for any changes or
( 1) Cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'int erférences.
FCC Com plia n ce
The Product cont ains Open Source Soft ware. Det ailed
m odificat ions not
expressly approved by t he part y
( 2) Cet appareil doit accept er t out e int erférence, y
inform at ion on t he applicable licenses and license t erm s
com pris les int erférences suscept ibles de provoquer un
This device com plies wit h Part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
responsible for com pliance. Such m odificat ions could
can be found on t he device's user int erface.
Operat ion is subj ect t o t he following t wo condit ions: ( 1)
void t he user's aut horit y t o operat e t he equipm ent .
fonct ionnem ent indésirable de l'appareil.
To obt ain a copy of said source code. Please cont act
This device m ay not cause harm ful int erference, and
The device for operat ion in t he band 5150–5250 MHz is
( 2) t his device m ust accept any int erference received,
2.4GHz operat ion of t his product in t he USA/ CA is
osr b@a ir t ie
only for indoor use t o reduce t he pot ent ial for harm ful
int erference
t hat
m ay
firm ware lim it ed t o channels 1 t hrough 11.
int erference t o co- channel m obile sat ellit e syst em s.
operat ion.
This device is rest rict ed for indoor use.
Addit ional safet y, com pliance, recycling and ot her
Les disposit ifs fonct ionnant dans la bande 5150- 5250
This product has been t est ed and com plies wit h t he
MHz sont réservés uniquem ent pour une ut ilisat ion à
im port ant inform at ion regarding your device can be
reached at w w w .a ir t ie / su st a in a bilit y
specificat ions for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o
FCC Ra dia t ion Ex posu r e St a t e m e n t
l'int érieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage
Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These lim it s are designed t o
préj udiciable aux syst èm es de sat ellit es m obiles ut ilisant
prot ect ion
harm ful
This equipm ent com plies wit h FCC radiat ion exposure
les m êm es canaux.
lim it s set fort h for an uncont rolled environm ent .
Th ir d- Pa r t y Soft w a r e or
int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. This equipm ent
For indoor use only.
Fir m w a r e
generat es, uses, and can radiat e radio frequency
This equipm ent should be inst alled and operat ed wit h
energy and, if not inst alled and used according t o t he
Pour une ut ilisat ion en int érieur uniquem ent .
m inim um dist ance 20 cm bet ween t he radiat or and your
The use of soft ware or firm ware not
inst ruct ions, m ay cause harm ful int erference t o radio
body. This device and it 's ant ennas( s) m ust not be
support ed/ provided by Airt ies product s
com m unicat ions. However, t here is no guarant ee t hat
co- locat ed or operat ing in conj unct ion wit h any ot her
m ay result in t he equipm ent no longer
int erference will not occur in a part icular inst allat ion.
ant enna or t ransm it t er except in accordance wit h FCC
com pliant
wit h
m ult i- t ransm it t er product procedures.
requirem ent s.
Printing Colors
Pant one 2728C
C: 0, M: 0, Y: 0, K: 100
Pant one 715C
Air 4 9 6 0 X, Air 4 9 6 0 XR
Part Description
Change Notes
Initial Release
Air 4960X and Air 4960XR / Generic / Regulatory Statements
(Printed Material Specification)
Flat dimension
320mm x 120mm
Dimension after binding
80mm x 30mm
One page /Double side
OFDM : 1 9 ,9 dBm ( 9 7 .7 m W )
CCK: 1 7 ,9 dBm ( 6 1 .7 m W )
2 2 ,9 dBm ( 1 9 5 m W )
2 2 ,9 dBm ( 1 9 5 m W ) w it h TPC
1 9 ,9 dBm ( 9 7 .7 m W ) w it hout TPC
2 9 ,9 dBm ( 9 7 7 m W ) w it h TPC
2 6 ,9 dBm ( 4 9 0 m W ) w it hout TPC
Printing Color
colour printing
Page Material
80-100 gr writing paper
Pages Coating
No coating
Printing Technique
Offset printing / 100% vegetal ink
Binding & Folding Process
Accordion type folding
Output lpi
200 Lpi
Color Tolerance
t he
regulat ory
Safety instructions must be FSC compliant,
must contain at least 70% of recyclable fibres. Ideally safety
instructions must be recycled and recyclable.
Safety instructions must be printed with a 100% vegetal ink.