DSC Maxsys PC4612A 설치 지침

{카테고리_이름} DSC Maxsys PC4612A에 대한 설치 지침을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. DSC Maxsys PC4612A 2 페이지. Fire zone annunciator

PC4612 Annunciator
The PC4612(A) is a 12-zone fire annunciator for use with
PC4010/PC4020 security systems. You can install a combined
total of 9 PC4612(A) and PC4216 modules on each PC4010/
4020 system.
• Style PC4612 or PC4612A available
• 16 programmable LEDs
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 15mA
• Tamper and trouble reporting
• Supervision by control panel via Combus
Connect the PC4612(A) to the panel via the Combus. Be sure
to include the current draw of the PC4612(A) (15mA) in your
Combus current calculation. Refer to your PC4010/4020
Installation Manual for more information on Combus
Enrolling and Programming the PC4612(A)
Follow the instructions below for enrolling and
programming your PC4612(A) module. If you are enrolling
the module on a PC4010/4020 v3.0 or greater system, you
can use the reference numbers (indicated by the square
brackets, eg. [0200]) to jump to a programming section. Refer
to your system's installation or programming manual for
more information on programming.
4.1 Enrolling
You must enroll the PC4612(A) module with your panel
before you can program it. The PC4612(A) is enrolled exactly
as if it were a PC4216 module. Follow these steps:
At a PC4010/4020 system LCD keypad, enter Installer's
Programming ([*][8][Installer's code]).
Enter Ref #[0200][*] OR scroll to Module Hardware,
press [*], then, scroll to Enroll Module, press [*].
Scroll to PC4216 Module, press [*]. The LCD keypad
displays Create Tamper on Desired Unit.
Tamper and then restore the PC4612(A):
1. Remove the screws on the bottom of the unit.
2. Pull the front plastic of the unit approximately ¼"
away from the backplate.
Please refer to the System Installation Manual for information on limitations regarding product use
and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer.
PC4612(A) Fire Zone Annunciator
PC4612A Annunciator
3. Replace the front of the unit and the screws in their
original locations.
The LCD keypad displays PC4216 Mod 01 Enrolled.
Record the module number in the worksheet area on
the back of this instruction sheet.
To exit Module Enrollment, press [#].
4.2 Programming
On the PC4612(A), each of the 16 outputs controls a particular
LED. Outputs 1-12 control the LEDs which light up numbers
1-12 on the Annunciator. Outputs 13-16 control the LEDs
which light up the Zone Trouble, Bell Trouble, System Trouble
and AC On indicators, respectively.
A Custom Group is a set of 16 programming choices which
correspond to the 16 programmable outputs on each
PC4612(A) module. Each LED will function according to the
programming of its output in the assigned custom group.
To program the PC4612(A), you need to assign a custom
group to the module, and to make sure that the outputs of
the assigned custom group are programmed appropriately.
Example: the PC4612(A) is assigned to custom group (01). In
this custom group, output (05) is programmed to follow zone
(020), which is a fire zone. This was done by programming
output (05) for option (22) zone follow. When zone (020) is in
alarm, LED 5 turns on. When zone (020) is restored and a
fire reset is performed, LED 5 turns off.
The PC4612(A) uses the same programming as the PC4216,
and is therefore done in the same programming sections. These
sections are described below as they relate to the PC4612(A).
For instructions on how to program the PC4010/4020 and its
modules, refer to your PC4010/4020 Installation Manual. For
information on programming PC4216 modules, refer to your
PC4216 Installation Instructions.
1. Choose a Custom Group
Ref #: [000703XX] where XX = 01-09 (PC4612(A) number)
Program each PC4612(A) to use one of nine custom groups.
More than one module may follow the same custom group.
Enter the number of the custom group the PC4612(A) will
follow (enter 01-09). To exit, press [#].
2. Program a Custom Group
Ref #: [000704XX] where XX = 01-09 (Custom Group 01-09)
A custom group is a set of 16 programmed output options.
Each output in a custom group can be programmed to operate
according to a different output option.

Installation Instructions