Duncan TARA 소유자 매뉴얼 - 페이지 5
{카테고리_이름} Duncan TARA에 대한 소유자 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Duncan TARA 8 페이지. True acoustic response amplifier
allow the user to boost it for a rich, full sound without boosting the sound board and
air-cavity resonant frequencies (around 200Hz). The 240Hz band is particularly useful
in reducing the frequencies often associated with acoustic guitar feedback.
Master Volume - This potentiometer is the overall output control for the entire amplifier,
and adjusts the volume for all instrument, microphone, and drum -machine inputs.
Peak Indicators - The red peak indicator is a warning that the signal going through the
preamp is very close to clipping, and should light only occasionally. The green LED
indicates that the signal is in the optimal range for the preamp. Running the amp with
insufficient signal level can degrade the signal-to-noise ratio. These indicators monitor
the levels of all the instrument and microphone inputs. When preparing for a
performance, you should go through each instrument and microphone and make sure
the green LED is on most of the time during play and the red LED only lights
occasionally on the loudest notes.
Note: For proper operation, the signal level should be set with the graphic EQ flat.
Effects Loops - The T.A.R.A. amplifier features three effects loops for maximum
versatility. Each channel has its own pre-EQ effects loop so that each can have its own
effect. There is also an overall post-EQ effects loop, which works on both channels. All
of these effects loops are of a professional-quality; "side-chain" type and certain
measures should be taken for optimal sound quality. The mix control on the effects unit
being used should be turned all the way to "wet". The wet/dry mix is then controlled by
the effects mix control on the amplifier itself. This "side-chain" method better preserves
the original dry signal and avoids the degradation of the dry signal, which is unavoidable
with the commonly used "series" type effects loops. With this configuration, the dry
signal is unaffected by the bandwidth and dynamic limitations of the effect unit being
used, so the overall sound is more natural. The -10/+4 dB level switches on the back of
the amp set the effects loop level to match with all types of outboard gear. In general,
the -10dB setting should be used with pedal-type effects & most rack-mount effects, and
the +4dB for pro-studio rack-mount effects. Another use of the "side-chain" effects loop
is the ability to input pre-recorded music, synthesizer, or a drum machine into the overall
mix using the effects return jack. The effect mix control on the amplifier then a llows you
to mix in the right amount of the auxiliary input.