AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648 조립 및 설치 매뉴얼 - 페이지 12
{카테고리_이름} AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648에 대한 조립 및 설치 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. AFFORDABLE LIFTS KCSPM3648 15 페이지. Affordable lift
6. If you will use your Platform's left opening at an upper landing, then the left side of your Column should be 25.0"
from the edge of that landing. This number includes a 0.5" (1/2") gap between the edge of your Platform and your
7. If you will use your Platform's right opening at an upper landing, then the right side of your Column should be 25.0"
from the edge of that landing. This number includes a 0.5" (1/2") gap between the edge of your Platform and your
8. If your Platform's front side passes by an obstruction, then the front side of your Column should be at least 37.75"
from that obstruction. This number includes a 1" gap between the edge of your Platform and that obstruction.
9. For the Collar to ascend and descend without hitting any obstruction the back side of the Column must be at least 1.75"
from a vertical plane that includes any obstruction in the Collar's path.
10. There are four anchor pads built into the Armed Base. Each has a 0.5" (1/2") pre drilled hole.
11. Decide on what diameter and length anchors to use based on your floor material. We recommend anchors at least 3"
12. Drill the anchor holes. Consider drilling deep enough so that the anchors can be hammered down into the floor if the lift
is ever removed.
13. Insert and tighten the anchors. If you elevate the Platform in order to do this, make sure the Platform is secure before
you work under it.
13. Finalize Column Bracing
13.1. For your particular lift you do not have to anchor the top of the lift to a strong structure. However many people prefer to
do so as this minimizes any Platform "bounce".
13.2. Back Flange Brace: Your Hoist Assembly has a Back Flange with 3/8" diameter holes (three vertical and two
horizontal) that can be used for bracing the lift's Column. They are visible in the drawing below. On your lift this flange is
located approximately 76" from the ground.
Connect your brace to a strong structure using steel angle iron or equivalent.
14. Platform Gates
14.1. Platform Gates: Each gate comes pre-attached to the Platform, hinged on the side specified in your Order. Gate and
latch styles may vary. For most lift configurations you can easily detach a gate and reverse its swing direction.
14.2. Safety:
It is important that all gates shut easily and securely, and that all gates be shut and latched before using
the lift. Unsecured gates can catch on items as the Platform moves and severely damage the lift, or people could
fall off of the Platform and be injured or killed.