ACTON TS-425 설치 지침 - 페이지 2
{카테고리_이름} ACTON TS-425에 대한 설치 지침을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. ACTON TS-425 2 페이지. 20 watt tungsten-halogen light source
The ARC Model TS-425 is a 30 watt tungsten-halogen light source system designed
for use with ARC SpectraPro™ series spectrometers. It consists of a 30 watt lamp
(DZA), housing with light collection mirror, and power supply. The lamp is factory
installed and aligned prior to shipment. Adjustments are provided on the light
collecting mirror mount in the event that realignment becomes necessary.
For proper operation, the lamp housing should be mounted to the entrance slit of the
spectrometer. The light collection mirror, located in the lamp housing, is designed
to focus light from the lamp onto the entrance slit of the spectrometer. To mount
the lamp housing to the entrance slit, use the following procedure:
1. Position the TS-425 light source module at the entrance slit of the
monochromator with the connector of the light source module toward the
front of the monochromator.
2. Attach the light source module to the entrance list assembly of the
monochromator with the four 8-32 cap screws provided.
Do Not Touch the Lamp (Bulb) or the Surface of the Focusing Mirror
For operation, connect the cable between the lamp housing and power supply, then
plug in the power supply. Press the power on/off switch on the front of the power
supply to the ON position. It is normal for the light source to pulse several times
before coming on. To shut off the light source, press the power on/off switch to the
OFF position.