AGS Nitrogen Dioxide 설치 운영 및 유지보수 - 페이지 8
{카테고리_이름} AGS Nitrogen Dioxide에 대한 설치 운영 및 유지보수을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. AGS Nitrogen Dioxide 12 페이지. Parksafe gas detector
Installation, Operation & Maintenance
First Power Up
On connecting power, your gas detector Power LED will illuminate.
The gas detector then enters a stabilisation phase for approximately 60 seconds – during this time the Fault LED
will flash indicating that the device is not yet ready for operation.
The gas detector will then establish a Modbus data signal with the main control panel – during this time the Fault
LED will remain lit.
When the data signal has established with the main control panel, the Fault LED will switch off and the detector
will be in operation. Check your Parksafe panel for the gas detector status.
We recommend all gas detection systems be commissioned by a competent/trained engineer to ensure
correct installation and operation!
LED Indications
The Power LED will remain illuminated when power to the detector is present.
An issue with the gas sensing module, i.e. it has been removed/not installed properly or
The gas sensing module has reached the end of its expected lifecycle or
The gas detector annual service.
The system is in alarm condition because dangerous gas levels detected.
Alarm Set Points
▲Rising alarm ▼Falling alarm PPM (Parts per Million)
Gas Detector
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Rev: 11
Alarm State
▲ 25ppm
▲ 100ppm
▲ 0.7ppm
▲ 2.0ppm
Parksafe Gas Detector