KitchenAid KGCC566RBL01 설치 지침 매뉴얼 - 페이지 3

{카테고리_이름} KitchenAid KGCC566RBL01에 대한 설치 지침 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. KitchenAid KGCC566RBL01 20 페이지. 30" (76 cm) and 36" (91.4 cm) gas built-in cooktop
KitchenAid KGCC566RBL01에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 부품 목록 (5 페이지)

KitchenAid KGCC566RBL01 설치 지침 매뉴얼
• The gasandelectric s upply s hould b elocated a sshown i n
section s othatthey areaccessible
without requiring removal ofthecooktop.
• Provide c utout inright r ear c orner ofcutout enclosure as
shown t oprovide c learance forgasinlet, p ower s upply c ord,
and toallow therating label tobevisible.
Toavoid damage, check w ithyour b uilder or
cabinet supplier tomake sure thatthematerials used will n ot
discolor, delaminate orsustain o ther d amage.
Mobile Home - Additional
The installation of this cooktop must conform to the Manufactured
Home Construction
and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280
(formerly the Federal Standard for Mobile Home Construction
Safety, Title 24, HUD Part 280). When such standard is not
applicable, use the Standard for Manufactured Home
Installations, ANSI A225.1/NFPA 501A or with local codes.
In Canada, the installation of this cooktop must conform with the
current standards CAN/CSA-A240-1atest
edition, or with local
Product Dimensions
Metal Cooktops
A. 21_" (53.4 cm)
B. 31 _6" (79.8 cm) on 30" (76.2 cm) models,
37_G" (95.4 cm) on 36" (91.4 cm) models
C. 2 z_'' (7.3 cm)
glass cooktops
A. 20_"
(51.5 cm)
B. 30_"
(76.8 cm) on 30" (76.2
cm) models,
(92.5 cm) on 36" (91.4
cm) models
C. 2Z_" (7.3 cm)
glass cooktops
- ............
A. 21_" (53.Z cm)
B. 30_"
(77.0 cm) on 30" (76.2 cm) models,
(92.3 cm) on 36" (91.4 cm) models
C. 2 _" (7.3 cm)
A. 30" (76.2 cm) on 30" models," 36" (91.4 cm) on 36" models
B. Combustible
area above countertop
(shown by dashed box
C. 30" (76.2 cm) minimum clearance between
top of coektop
platform and bottom of unprotected
wood or metal cabinet
(24" [61 cm] minimum clearance if bottom of wood er metal
cabinet is protected
by not less than V4" [0.6 cm] flame
retardant mlllboard covered with not less than No. 28
MSG sheet steel, 0.015" [0.04 cm] stainless steel, or
0.024" [0.06 cm] aluminum or 0.020" [0.05 cm] copper)
D. !3" (33 cm) maximum upper cabinet depth
E. 2_" (5.4cm)
!9" (48.3 cm)
G. 18" (45.7 cm) minimum clearance from upper cabinet to
within minimum horizontal clearances to cooktop
H. Grounded outlet - Locate within 24" (61 cm) of right rear
corner of cutout
L 29" (73.7 cm) on 30" models; 35¼" (89.5 cm) on 36" models
J. 8_;" (21.3 cm) minimum
distance to nearest left and right side
K. 2_" (7.3 cm) minimum distance to rear combustible
L. Gas line opening - Wall: anywhere 5" (12.7 cm) below
underside of countertop.
Cabinet floor: anywhere within
6" (15.2 cm) of rear wall is recommended
M. 24" (61 cm) minimum
depth is required
NOTES: After making the countertop cutout, some installations
may require notching down the base cabinet side walls to clear
the burner box. To avoid this modification,
use a base cabinet with
sidewalls wider than the cutout.
If cabinet has a drawer, a 4" (10.2 cm) depth clearance from the
countertop to the top of the drawer (or other obstruction) in base
cabinet is required. The drawer depth may need to be shortened
to avoid interfering with the regulator.
If installing a hood above the range, follow the hood instructions
for dimensional clearances above the cooktop surface.