Garmin Administrator Guide 관리자 매뉴얼 - 페이지 17

{카테고리_이름} Garmin Administrator Guide에 대한 관리자 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Garmin Administrator Guide 42 페이지.

Garmin Administrator Guide 관리자 매뉴얼

Viewing Pages while Navigating

Once you find a place and press
Map page. Additionally, the route appears visually on the Map page (this shows that you are in "routing mode"). View your anticipated
arrival time (Arrival) as well as how many more miles/meters you need to travel before your next turn (Turn In). You can view more
information by touching icons on the Map page.
Selecting the Arrival
icon sends you to
a Trip Information
page that contains
useful trip data. See
page 16.
Selecting the
Menu button
returns you to
the Main page.
c320 Owner's Manual
, your c320 immediately creates a route that displays upcoming turns in the text bar at the top of the
The text bar displays upcoming roads.
Selecting the text
bar sends you to a
Current Route page
that displays the
driving instructions
for your entire route.
See page 14.
Selecting the Turn
In icon sends you to
a Next Turn page. It
shows the next turn as
well as distance and
time left to the next
turn. See page 15.