Dell M3UX16 시작하기 매뉴얼 - 페이지 21

{카테고리_이름} Dell M3UX16에 대한 시작하기 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Dell M3UX16 32 페이지. Servers for sap hana

Dell M3UX16 시작하기 매뉴얼
a. From the Configuration tab, click BMC Settings > Messages to display the SNMP Messages and Syslog
Configuration page.
The Enable Syslog Forwarding option requires the syslog server to be configured on the Linux platform.
b. Complete the fields as required.
c. Click Apply.
d. Use the -a backup utility, provided in the Resource and Documentation ISO file, to back up System,
PEF, and Configuration data if required.
Next steps
See the Remote Hardware Management CLI Reference Guide for more information.

Configure SNMP manager and SMTP servers for IPMI events

About this task
The alert transmission feature allows you to report selected events as alerts to one or more SNMP managers and/or email
1. To send events to an SNMP manager, enter the event trap manager community string:
a. From the Configuration tab, click Alert Settings > General to display the General Lan Alert page.
b. Complete the Community String field with the community string value that is used by the SNMP manager and click
2. To send events as alerts to email recipients, configure email server(s):
a. From the Configuration tab, click Alert Settings > General to display the General Lan Alert page.
When modified, each of these values is automatically updated on all partition modules.
b. Complete the SMTP Server field with the name or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server that is used to send the
email alerts.
c. Complete the Email Sender Address field with the email server's sender address as it will appear in the header of the
d. Click Apply.
e. Use the -a backup utility, provided in the Resource and Documentation ISO file, to back up system,
PEF, and configuration data if required.
3. Configure the event trap manager IP addresses, email recipient addresses and/or LAN destinations:
a. From the Configuration tab, click Alert Settings > LAN Destinations to display the LAN Destinations page.
b. Select the first free LAN destination line (IP and click Modify to display the IPMI LAN Destination Edit page.
When modified, each of these values is automatically updated on all the modules of the partition.
c. Enter the required Destination ID in the Destination Number field.
d. Select the PET Alert radio button.
e. Complete the Acknowledge, Timeout, and Retries fields.
f. Enter the server host IP address in the Trap destination field and click Apply.
Initial Configuration