Olympus BH2-6RE 매뉴얼 - 페이지 4

{카테고리_이름} Olympus BH2-6RE에 대한 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Olympus BH2-6RE 18 페이지.

Olympus BH2-6RE 매뉴얼
Figure 43 - Reinstall the knurled-rubber grip ring ................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 44 - Remove any silicone RTV squeeze-out .............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 45 - BH2-6RE ready to be put back into service ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 46 - Revolving turret with severely worn mechanical detents .................................................................................. 17
Figure 47 - Close-up view of a worn mechanical detent notch ............................................................................................ 17
Complete Teardown, Cleaning, and Reassembly of the Olympus BH2-6RE Modular Revolving Nosepiece
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Revision 3