Olympus M. ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm f1.8 지침 - 페이지 3

{카테고리_이름} Olympus M. ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm f1.8에 대한 지침을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Olympus M. ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm f1.8 4 페이지.

Olympus M. ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm f1.8 지침
Precautions: Be Sure to Read the Following
Warnings: Safety Precautions
Do not view the sun through the lens. It may
cause blindness or vision impairment.
Do not leave the lens without the cap. If solar
light is converged through the lens, a fire may
Do not point the camera lens at the sun.
Sunlight will converge in the lens and focus
inside the camera, possibly causing a
malfunction or fire.
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L1034̲E̲en.indd   5
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2011/07/14   9:45:30
2011/07/14   9:45:30