Actoy US7000 매뉴얼
{카테고리_이름} Actoy US7000에 대한 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Actoy US7000 2 페이지. Performance stilts
This manual covers Actoy-stilts models:
Light Blue Standard,
Green Standard,
Yellow Standard,
Orange Standard,
Red Standard,
Always ware knee protectors when using the stilts.
Not to be used in traffic.
Before use:
Inspect the stilts before use making sure that there is no sign of damage. Check all joints and tighten if you discover loose screw(s).
Only use footwear suitable for the purpose (no boots, no sandals).
The size of the stilt has to fit to the length of the shin, so the area of strapping is somewhere between the upper part of the calf
and a little under the knee.
The actual length of the stilt leg and the height you get up in the air is changeable. This is done by changing the fibre glass leg.
Heights above 35 cm. are only for the very skilled, because from such a height, you may fall heavily.
Knee protectors are essential, because the stilts are strapped on to the leg, and you cannot just "get off", when you start to loose
balance. Therefore get familiar with falling forwards (practice going down on your knees, when you fall).
Only walk forward, make a U turn to reverse your direction.
When starting use of the stilts, you have to sit on a table or similar having a height suiting the purpose.
Start with fasten the upper leg strap when putting on the stilts, afterwards fasten the foot straps. Be sure all straps are tightly
fastened and secured in the loops behind the buckles.
Don't ware stilts if you feel they are uncomfortable, unsafe or you feel danger.
When taking off the stilts start disconnecting the foot straps.
It is easier than it looks, and then it is fun, you just have to learn it first.
Children learn it holding an adult by the hand, thereafter along a fence, railing or similar, and at last on your own.
Adults learn it by holding in a stabile fence or railing and keep a solid grip right from the very first step.
Area for stilt walking:
You need a lot of space to walk on stilts, and no tricycles or similar things nearby to fall on to. Only walk on hard surface and level
Actoy-stilts are made for practising stilt walking. Don't run, jump or do acrobatic exercises. Don't carry heavy loads.
The friction points underneath the foot plate will need a drop of oil or grease in between, only use non toxin lubrication. The fibre
glass leg may in time though be a little loose in the fitting tube, which is easily adjustable by strapping some tape or similar around
the upper part of the rod.
The rubber foot gets worn, but is replaceable. Spare parts, including extra-long fiber glass legs, can be purchased from the dealer.
Actoy Aps
Sletterhoejvej 18
4500 Nykoebing Sjaelland
Phone: +45 59918113
Cvr: 32826237
or how to use
Performance stilts
4 to 6 year
6 to 8 year
8 to 12-14 year
stout kids and the smaller adults.
juniors/adults, maximum body-height 180cm.
Have a good time
with the "long legs".
For further information, contact your dealer.
Load limit standard:
Load limit with extensions size 60:
20 kg.
50 kg.
50 kg.
80 kg.
80 kg.