Cisco 7965 Handset User Guide
Using Call Back:
1. Receive notification when a busy extension becomes available.
Using Call Forward All:
You can use the call forward feature to redirect incoming calls from your phone to another number.
1. Press CFwdAll and enter target phone number.
2. To Cancel press CFwdAll.
3. To verify that Call Forward All is enabled on your primary line, look for the call forward icon above
the primary phone number. The call forward number will be in the status line.
Enter the call forward target number exactly as you would dial it from your phone. For example
enter 0 for and outside line.
Using Call Park:
You can park a call when you want to store the call so that you or someone else can retrieve it from
another phone.
1. Call Park – Use the Park softkey to store the call. Your phone displays the call park number in
the status line.
2. Hang Up.
3. Retrieve Park Call – Enter call park number from any phone.
You have a limited time to retrieve a parked call before it reverts to ringing at the original
Using Pick Up:
Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a co-worker‟s phone by redirecting the call to
your phone.
1. Press PickUp soft key button available.
2. If your phone supports auto-pickup, you are now connected to the call.
3. If the call rings, press Answer to connect to the call.
Making Conference Calls:
Your phone allows you to talk simultaneously with multiple parties in a conference call.
1. Conference – Allows you to create a standard (ad hoc) conference by calling each participant.
Use the Confrn softkey.
2. Join – Allows you to create a standard (ad hoc conference by combining existing calls. Use the
Join softkey.
Using Do Not Disturb:
You can use the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature to block incoming calls from ringing your phone.
H:\DMS\Telephony\IP Telephony\Cisco\User Guides and Procedures\Cisco IP Phone Documentation\7965G Handset User Guide.doc