requests, another session cookie is required and is provided by the authentication process. Avoiding unnecessary use of the authentication
process helps to reduce the workload on the device.
A nxapi_auth cookie expires in 600 seconds (10 minutes). This value is a fixed and cannot be adjusted.
NX-API performs authentication through a programmable authentication module (PAM) on the switch.
Use cookies to reduce the number of PAM authentications, which reduces the load on the PAM.
Using NX-API
The commands, command type, and output type for the Cisco Nexus 5000 and 6000 Series devices are entered using NX-API by
encoding the CLIs into the body of a HTTP/HTTPs POST. The response to the request is returned in XML or JSON output format.
You must enable NX-API with the feature manager CLI command on the device. By default, NX-API is disabled.
The following example shows how to enable NX-API:
• Enable the management interface.
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface mgmt 0
switch(config)# ip address
switch(config)# vrf context managment
switch(config)# ip route
• Enable the NX-API nxapi feature.
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature nxapi
The following example shows a request and its response in XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<input>show switchname</input>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<input>show switchname</input>