Digitana SYNTHI VCS3 Poly MIDI-CV 매뉴얼 - 페이지 11

{카테고리_이름} Digitana SYNTHI VCS3 Poly MIDI-CV에 대한 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Digitana SYNTHI VCS3 Poly MIDI-CV 11 페이지.

Digitana SYNTHI VCS3 Poly MIDI-CV 매뉴얼
Finally for Quad Midi-CV units only, a fourth CV channel is available, CV4, and in this example it
corresponds to the Midi Volume (Coarse) CC. In addition, the '+5V' option is also checked, which
means the maximum swing of CV4 = +5v. So a Midi Volume value of 0 gives 0V on CV4 whereas a
Midi Volume value of 128 sets CV4 to +5V.
Limiting the maximum swing to +5V can be useful and give better resolution/response depending
on what control destination on the Synthi matrix you are routing the CV.
Notice in this example all the text in the first 3 DAC boxes is greyed and CC boxes are
'unchecked'. This is because we have used up 3 DAC assignments. Two are used for Midi note 1
and Midi note 2 CV, the third on Pitch Bend CV. For Poly Midi units this exhausts all the 3
channels of CV available. On Quad Midi-CV units we still have CV4 (DAC3) which to freely assign a
Midi CC. Similarly looking at the Gate CC's assigned. G1 and G2 are greyed out because they are
automatically assigned to Midi note1 and note 2 'on' events. This leaves G3 and G4 assignable to
a Midi CC.
Here is another example that sets the Midi-CV Unit again to Mono play mode.
Thus CV1 is automatically assigned to midi note1 value. This leaves CV2-CV4 (CV2-CV3 for Poly
Midi units) freely assignable to PB, VL, or a CC. In the example CV2 is assigned to Modulation
Wheel (Coarse) CC, CV3 to Pitch Bend and CV4 to Expression (Course) CC. In addition, maximum
swing of CV3 and CV4 is limited to +5v.
G1 is automatically assigned to Midi note 1 on message. But G2-G4 can be freely assigned to Midi
CC's. In the example G2-G4 are assigned to controllers 15, 20 and 21.
Finally, if you click either the 'send to Midi' or 'Write to Flash' buttons you will see the Midi
activity led flash briefly as the processor is updated. Writing to Flash means the unit will
remember the play mode change even after power down.
Digitana Electronics, St Albans, England, 2010.