DIGITIZE System 3505 운영 매뉴얼 - 페이지 4

{카테고리_이름} DIGITIZE System 3505에 대한 운영 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. DIGITIZE System 3505 12 페이지. Remote alarm terminal option
DIGITIZE System 3505에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 설치 및 운영 매뉴얼 (20 페이지)

Engine OK, Engine Repeat are features assigned to Custom Program #0101 only. Please advise
your sales representative if you wish to include this or other features in your system.

Test Mode

1. Any circuit can be placed in test mode by activating two taps prior to pulling the
box to be tested. The SYSTEM 3505 will substitute the word 'TEST' for 'BOX'
when decoding a box on a circuit placed in a test mode. You must wait at least 5
seconds from the time you release the key on the second tap, until you pull the
box to be tested. Caution should be used to verify that a 'real' box does not come
in while you are in the test mode, waiting for the test box to be pulled. It is
recommended that you either communicate with the field personnel ad be advised
what box is to be pulled, or make it the responsibility of the field tech to notify
fire dispatch should he "hear" another box activation while waiting to pull the test
2. Once a box is placed in the test mode, a timer is displayed on the right end of the
circuit line. This timer counts down from 180 seconds. Once the test box is
pulled, the circuit shall remain in the test mode until 180 seconds lapses, or four
rounds are decoded with the last two boxes matching. Once this happens, and the
decoding ends, the test count will automatically go to zero, concluding the test
3. The test mode will also automatically end if there is no new activity on the circuit
for thirty seconds.
4. To start the cycle over again, the field personnel must tap two on the circuit again.
5. The test mode can be ended at any time by a single tap on the circuit already in
the test mode.

Roll key

1. You can only ROLL a box if there is a minimum of two circuits being displayed.
2. The ROLL key allows you to take whatever telegraph box is on the top line
(printing line) and ROLL it to the bottom of the stack. This will cause the next
box in line, to now be the top box on the display, thus printing its box rounds.
The third box will be the second and so on.
3. Once a Rolled box makes its way back to the top line, the word "Rolled" will be
printed on the thermal paper to indicate that this box has previously at least
printed some of the rounds.

SST Transmit

1. Any Remote Alarm Terminal may initiate a box transmission. The process is as
a. Enter desired Box number to be transmitted. For a box containing ten
blows as the first digit, enter a "0", then the rest of the box. For example
box 10-123 would be entered as 0123. Alternatively for a ten, you can
enter the box as 10-123. A delay that is longer then an inter digit, but
shorter then an end of round will occur between the ten and the rest of the
box number in either of the two methods indicated.
Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice
DIGITIZE, INC. 700251 REV B 04/02