Alcolizer EC Calibration Station 서비스 지침 매뉴얼 - 페이지 6

{카테고리_이름} Alcolizer EC Calibration Station에 대한 서비스 지침 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Alcolizer EC Calibration Station 11 페이지.

Caution Note:
• In the Temperature window, ensure that the ambient temperature value is set from
an accurate temperature monitor located next to the Cal Station jig assembly.
• Also, ensure that all EC units to be calibrated have been sourced from a similar
temperature environment to Cal Station jig assembly area (within ±2oC).
• If unsure of EC temperatures place EC units close to Cal Station jig assembly area and
allow at least 30 minutes for EC units to equilibrate to Cal Station area temperature
before calibrating units.
REF: EC Service and Calibration Instructions V8
Otherwise Temperature Cal errors may occur.
This Edit Unit Data screen relates to information in the
old database. New devices will not have any formation
logged and therefore the boxes will be blank and not
filled out.
This edit screen can also be used to gain access to the
last calibration readings if required, should the report
not have printed out.
Page 6
AT's standard System Setup
parameters. Communication
ports and printers may vary
with different PCs.
Enter the calculated BAC value
from cylinder Ethanol PPM
value here
Enter correct ambient
temperature reading as the EC
temperature sensor will be
calibrated to this temperature
setting. The two Offset
settings should be set to 263
and 283 as shown.
Insure the correct current
firmware revision is been
© Alcolizer Technology