Xerox DocuPrint 180 코드 목록 - 페이지 12

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Xerox DocuPrint 180 코드 목록
reflective surfaces, cleaning, PRM 6-1
registration transport roll levers, adjusting, TRB 4-1
remote service, SOG 1-17, TRB 1-2
Reporting billing meters, PRM 7-3
see also specifications
clearance space, IPG 6-20–IPG 6-23
delivery access, IPG 6-24–IPG 6-28
environmental, IPG 6-6
Ethernet, IPG 4-7
network interface, IPG 4-7
power, IPG 5-1–IPG 5-2, IPG 5-9, IPG 6-1–IPG
6-5, IPG 6-29–IPG 6-31
printer controller space, IPG 5-3–IPG 5-8
space, IPG 5-3, IPG 6-7, IPG 6-20–IPG 6-28
Token Ring, IPG 4-7
Reset button, CMS 1-22
Reset Now button, CMS 1-22
resident fonts, CMS 1-11, SOG 1-15

adding, CMS 3-10

displaying, CMS 3-9

resolution, CMS 1-11, CMS 4-6, IPG 1-5
MICR, 300/600 dpi, SOG 5-2
Resolution display, CMS 1-18
Resolution window, CMS 4-6
Resource Limits, CMS 1-11
customer, IPG 4-2–IPG 4-3
customer, IPG 8-2

Xerox, IPG 8-2

Xerox, IPG 4-1–IPG 4-2
restoring configuration files, CMS 1-13, CMS 4-63
RISC processor chipset, SOG 2-1
RISC-based controller, IPG 1-1

roll feeder, IPG 1-4

Rotation display, CMS 1-18
S/370 bus, IPG 2-10
saddle-stitching, IPG 1-6
Sample button, SOG 4-5
Sample File field, CMS 4-16
sample printer definitions
MVS with channel attachment, IPG D-1–IPG D-3
MVS with TCP/IP connection, IPG E-1–IPG E-17
OS/2 with channel attachment, IPG D-4–IPG D-5
VM with channel attachment, IPG D-6
VSE with channel attachment, IPG D-6
Sample printing window, CMS 4-15
sample tray, SOG 4-6
sample trays, PRM 2-1
CMS = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IPG = Installation Planning Guide
PRM = Guide to Performing Routine Maintenance
SOG = System Overview Guide
TRB = Troubleshooting Guide
samples, printing, CMS 1-12, CMS 4-15–CMS 4-19
Save button, CMS 1-22
SCSI cartridge tape drive, IPG 2-3, IPG 2-6
labels, IPG A-2, SOG A-2
characteristics, IPG A-2, SOG A-2
size, IPG A-1–IPG A-3, SOG A-1–SOG A-3
transparencies, IPG A-2, SOG A-2
selecting MICR mode, CMS 4-11
sensors, cleaning
methods, PRM 6-1
Q1011, PRM 6-3
Q1106, PRM 6-5
Q1107, PRM 6-4
Q1166, PRM 6-5
Q850, PRM 6-2
telephone number, IPG B-1
Xerox responsibilities, IPG 4-2
service call, logging, CMS 1-12
service call, required information, TRB 1-1
Service Mode, CMS 4-2
service mode, CMS 1-12
service telephone number, PRM 7-1
Set Jam Time field, CMS 4-60
setup information, CMS 1-18–CMS 1-19
shared space, IPG 6-20, IPG 6-20–IPG 6-23
Sheet Exit to EndofSet Time field, CMS 4-61
Sheet Jam Time field, CMS 4-60
shutdown system, CMS 1-14
silicone, PRM 3-2
maximum duplex, CMS 1-11
mode, specifying value maximum, CMS 4-8
printing, selecting, CMS 4-30
simplex, duplex flexibility, SOG 1-12
single-tag interlock mode, CMS 3-4
personnel, customer responsibility, IPG 4-2
preparation, customer responsibility, IPG 4-2
selection, Xerox responsibilities, IPG 4-1
Sixth Sense feature, IPG B-2
Sixth Sense Technology, SOG 1-17, TRB 1-2
disabling a modem, TRB 1-3
enabling a modem, TRB 1-3
remote service, TRB 1-2
size units, specifying, CMS 4-12
skewed printing, correcting, TRB 4-1
slumber mode timer, CMS 1-11, CMS 3-7
SMM Value for Finishing Function field, CMS 4-60
features, IPS, SOG 1-11