Alea Technologies IntelliGaze CAM30NT 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 - 페이지 2
{카테고리_이름} Alea Technologies IntelliGaze CAM30NT에 대한 빠른 시작 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Alea Technologies IntelliGaze CAM30NT 2 페이지. Gaze communication system
IntelliGaze - 3 Modes of Operation
The IntelliGaze interface can be adapted to the actual user needs. Higher
levels include the functionality of lower levels:
1. Assisted Access Only -
A special use case, where a person guides the
user through a number of applications, i.e.
Look-to-Learn, and controls the gaze control
features frequently through a simplified Oper-
ation Center.
2. Direct Software Access (API) Only -
Only applications that have been set up to access IntelliGaze data
directly, i.e. Grid2, MindExpress4 or others can be controlled by gaze.
3. A.
Desktop / Full Control
Full gaze controlled access to all available functions, switches
look&feel automatically, depending on profile settings. Most func-
tions can be controlled via the Operation Center.
Safe Access
The access can be limited to pre-selected Windows applications by
enabling the 'Safe Access' option.
Mode 1 and 3a/b can be selected in the preferences section of the
software. Mode 2 is solely controlled by the client application.
Access to mode 2 and 3 requires an appropriately licensed camera.
Auxiliary Programs
Gaze Assistant
The Gaze Assistant program provides
guidance to measure and document
the gaze interaction capabilities of a
client. It splits the setup process into
small, well defined steps that help to
identify possible physiological issues.
The results can be saved into a digital document.
Reset IntelliGaze
A small utility to reset several groups of IntelliGaze parameters to their
installation values. Please use with care and consider backups!
\Program Files\alea technologies\IntelliGaze\tools\ResetIntelliGaze.exe
Operation Center [OC] - The gaze and
touch accessible entry point
Application Profile - An application
to adjust and control IntelliGaze.
profile controls a large number of gaze
Preferences and Service Mode - The
interaction parameters and is automat-
system preferences can be accessed via
ically activated with the start of that
a link in the OC, the tray icon or Ctrl-
F11. The Service Mode can be accessed
A DEFAULT profile, which can also be
via a program link in the IntelliGaze
configured individually, is used when-
installation folder.
ever no dedicated profile has been
Tracking Status Monitor - A little 'smi-
ley' display that allows to judge track-
Gaze Calibration - Calibrates the prop-
ing position and stability. Ideally it
erties of the users' eyes to the camera
should be green, centered and both
and screen by looking at a sequence of
eyes shown (tracked). At times error
automatically presented targets. A
messages can appear inside that dis-
higher number of cal. points typically
provides higher accuracy.
Trigger - IG generates mouse click
Calibration Profile - The parameters
events based on pre-configured 'trig-
and results of an individual calibration
gers'. Typically that would be a dwell,
can be saved into a calibration profile
blink or switch. IG allows the definition
for later use.
of two parallel triggers (1, 2) in the
Direct Control - When a switch is
preferences section. The definition
configured as 1st trigger input, clicks
should reflect the capabilities of the
will be directly translated into left
user and the connected hardware. The
mouse button presses, i.e. enabling
OC status bar shows the trigger assign-
easier drag&drop operations.
ment, because their actual function
License - a numeric key to access cer-
can be assigned at run-time as part of
tain IG functions, stored in the camera
the Application Profile.
Default configuration:
Status: [Preferences] > General
1: Dwell / 2: none – Examples:
IntelliGaze Application Profiles.PDF
Basic Operation
This section will provide a simple step-by-step guide on how to operate the
system for for general computer control.
1. Start IntelliGaze
The camera's illumination should show a dim red light and
the IntelliGaze tray icon will appear.
2. Position the camera - Ctrl-F1 / Operation Center
The monitor should be aligned with the user's head in about 60cm (2ft.)
distance. A straight look of the user should intersect the monitor in the upper
3rd, centrally.
The head position and automatic tracking can be validated by looking at the
Tracking Status Monitor in the Operation Center. The best
position is achieved, when the system shows a green smiley
in the center.
If the user should be wearing glasses, a more stable tracking might be achieved by
positioning the camera slightly lower than normal. Touching the Tracking Status or
Ctr-F10 provides a semi-live view of the user to better locate reflections.
3. Calibration - Ctrl-F5 / or via Operation Center
The system should be calibrated individually in order to achieve the best
accuracy for the user. It is recommended to calibrate both eyes while using
at least 9 points. Nevertheless options to cover a wide range of requirements
are provided. If the positioning above has been successful and the user's
condition does not pose any other challenges, the calibration will just pace
Operation Center Overview
Demonstration videos on YouTube:
IntelliGaze Download:
alea technologies technical support:
through a number of points, while waiting for the user to follow.
The results will be shown graphically, including a short qualitative feedback.
In complex cases, where a full calibration is too complex and limited accuracy is suffi-
cient, a 1-point calibration is recommended. IntelliGaze provides many advanced
options to calibrate even very complex case.
(see: Preferences → Calibration)
After a successful calibration the Operation Center can be
closed and gaze control will be enabled.
4. Controlling Desktop Applications
● Mouse Control - a gaze activated input, similar to a mouse, will be
enabled. By default, clicks will be initiated by dwelling on a target for
about 1 second,.
● Off-Screen Menus - By fixating just outside the monitor area, several
menus can be opened to select mouse and keyboard functions. (see
image below) The Operation Center (top) is always available and can
therefore be used to exit any application.
The side menus adapt to classic Desktop or Modern UI touch emulation.
They can be locked open by another gaze outside, which the small pin
icon will indicate.
All off-screen menus can be closed by another look in the same direction.
Beside mouse click selection, special functions for scrolling (pick from a
long list or continuously read text), drag&drop (direct or precise 'joy-
stick'), two finger touch (zoom and rotate) and Win8 system gestures are
A caretaker can help the user to open the side menus and OSK with
the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Left/Right and Ctrl+Down
● The keyboard can switch between the pre-configured layouts.
● IntelliGaze will context sensitively try and automatically open the
keyboard or magnifier. This function depends on the underlying pro-
Profile Manager
Side Menus
Customizing Gaze Control - Application Profiles
IntelliGaze v.4 introduces a completely new scheme to provide custom
gaze control behavior on a per-application basis. The former static
configuration has been replaced with dynamically loaded sets of opti-
mized parameters - Application Profiles.
Whenever a program is launched, IG tries to load a matching Application
A small square in the upper right hand corner shows the current profile
name and key functions. IntelliGaze comes
with a constantly growing number of pre-
defined profiles. The included 'IntelliGaze
Application Profiles.PDF' document provides
a current list, download links and more
detailed information.
'Default' Profile
A Default Profile serves as a basis for all custom configurations and is
used as a fall-back for applications without special settings.
Whenever there is no desire for custom configurations, please consider
the Default Profile as a static, system wide setup. The Default Profile can
be easily customized:
OC > Options > Current Appl. > 'Open Profile Manager' > Select: Default > Edit
For a truly static behavior, all custom Application Profiles can be disabled
or removed in the Profile Manager.
Editing Profiles
All existing profiles can be edited like the 'default' profile above and new
profiles can be defined with a button press. All operations work with the
most recently active program, which is particularly helpful when working
with Windows 8 Modern UI applications.
Profile Parameters
The most significant settings of a profile can be seen in the Profile
The Profile Editor provides a structured access to cursor settings (color,
size, behavior), menu and tool behavior and also allows the definition of
most sophisticated interactions using the two trigger channels, i.e. dwell
, switch and many system commands. All non-defined parameters will
be used, as defined in the Default Profile.
Application Center - Safe Access
The Safe Access mode allows to limit the
number of programs and Operation Center
functions that the user can access. It introduces
a full screen Application Center which serves
as a home page.
By using application profiles the gaze control
will be identical to full access mode.
To en-/disable Safe Access, please refer to:
Preferences > Operation Center > Safe Access
Entries can be defined under:
Preferences > Operation Center > Application Center
Alternatively the current application can be added directly:
Operation Center > Options > Current Application > 'Add to Application Center'
Grid2 Integration
Grid2 by Sensory Software has been modified to directly integrate with
IntelliGaze eye gaze control, providing a more seamless user experience.
While IG comes with a pre-defined application profile, Grid2 needs to be
configured manually:
User Settings > Input > Eye gaze > alea IntelliGaze
Calibration and click parameters can be set up in Grid2 and special
buttons for tracking status display, calibration control, etc. can be
included in grid sets.
Successively there are two methods to use Grid2:
1. Grid2 starts and ends IntelliGaze.
2. While IntelliGaze is running, the user launches Grid2 from the Windows
desktop or the IG Application Center.
The later option allows the user to switch between Grid2, Windows and
other applications autonomously while staying under gaze control.