American Technologies Network Night ScoutVX User Manual - Page 5

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Binoculars American Technologies Network Night ScoutVX. American Technologies Network Night ScoutVX 8 pages. Night vision binoculars

• We suggest that you find an open space to work in. Focus the Night Scout VX so that the
scene is at its sharpest. For the best results you should disable the auto focus (if any) on
either the 35-mm camera or the video camera and manually focus the 35-mm camera or the
video camera. Once the image is in sharp, then simply adjust the Night Scout's front lens to
change the focus.
• An important part to remember is that you are not taking a picture of an object that is far away
from you, but you are actually taking a picture of a phosphorous screen of the Night Scout VX
that is only 2-3 inches away.


Night Scout VX is tripod mountable. You can mount Night Scout VX on tripod with 1/4" thread
• Always remember to turn off the Night Scout VX when it is not in use. If you do not plan on us-
ing your device for a period of more than 10 days, you should remove the battery.
• Keep lens cap/daylight filter on when not in use.
• Avoid contact with dust, steam, and gas.
• The Night Scout VX is not harmful to the user or the environment.
• Do not disassemble except to clean the front lens and the eyepiece: it will void your
• Evaluate the scopes function by looking through it in a lit environment with the daylight filter
lens cap on. Never use in daylight without the daylight filter lens cap on. Do not surpass ten
minutes of testing.
• Never point the Night Scout VX at a bright light source. If the scope shuts off automati-
cally after directing it at a bright light source, turn the unit off and wait 1 - 2 minutes before
turning the unit back on.
• Adverse atmospheric conditions such as fog, smog, or haze and a lack of ambient light
(moon or starlight) may diminish the effective viewing distance. All technical data for this unit
was compiled in a controlled environment.
• If you use the rubber eyecaps for a long period of time, you may suffer skin inflammation. If
you develop any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.


Q: Flashes, flickers, or clicking occur while operating
S: If it occurs within the first five minutes of inserting new batteries it is normal and the device
will resume normal operation soon thereafter. If it occurs for more than 10 minutes contact
your dealer or other authorized service representative for service instructions.
Q: Dark spots on screen.
S: These are either cosmetic blemishes in the intensifier tube or dust particles. Dust particles
can be cleaned following instructions in "Cleaning Eyepiece" section.
Q: Screen becomes darker than in previous use.
S: Replace batteries. If the problem persists contact your dealer or other authorized service
representative for service instructions.
Q: Image not clear.
S: Adjust objective lens and/or the eyepiece. Turn on IR.