Astrel Instruments AST-8300-A Getting Started - Page 19
Browse online or download pdf Getting Started for Security Camera Astrel Instruments AST-8300-A. Astrel Instruments AST-8300-A 20 pages.
Also for Astrel Instruments AST-8300-A: Automanualr Manual (14 pages), User Manual (6 pages)
Astrel Instruments
has about 5e- readout noise and 35 seconds download time
• Choose a photo sequence name. If you omit a path before the name, the photo
sequence will be stored in the default photo folder, which is the 'photos' folder. If you
want the photo sequence to be saved in your external USB storage, browse to the
'usb/sda1' folder. Advanced user can use any existing path on the camera where they
have the permission to write
• Each photo of a sequence can be identified using its name. For example, the third
exposure with the second filter of the 'm31_lrgb' photo sequence will be saved as
• Start the photo sequence pushing the
Note: During photo download from the ccd the camera turns off the display, the wifi, the
ethernet and the fan in order to minimize read out noise. After the completion of the photo
(buzzer sound signals it) all these functions turn on again. Your PC or Smartphone could need
to restablish the connection to the camera.
• Using the Monitor application you can monitor the sequence execution
Getting Started
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