Daffue MONOLOG User Manual - Page 7

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Control Unit Daffue MONOLOG. Daffue MONOLOG 8 pages. Single door stand-alone door and alarm controller module

RESPONSE – Sound 2 Short and then Change to 2 Long Flashes – Indicating new Door Alarm
Functions programmed and back in Main Menu. RTC Set-up (Real Time Clock) (10) -Optional

STEP 1 - Unit must be in Main Menu – as in " Enter Main Menu" – 2 Long Flashes
STEP 2 – Enter 10 on the Keypad.
RESPONSE – Sound 10 Long and continue with 10 Short Flashes – Indicating in " RTC Set-up" and
waiting for new RTC data.
STEP 3 – Enter new RTC data in the following sequence: " YYMMDDhhmmd" where YY=Year (09),
MM=Month (08), DD=Date (18), hh=Hour (19), mm=Minute (21) and d=Day of the week (3).
RESPONSE – Sound 2 Short and Change to 2Long Flashes – Indicating Time Programmed and back
in Main Menu.

2.7.3 Exit Menu and Return to Normal Operation

To resume normal operation after using the Main Menu to set-up the unit follow and observe the following steps.
STEP 1 – Enter Escape (ESC) on the Keyboard.
RESPONSE – No Sound but Change to No Flashes of Reader LED and Seconds on the RTC display start to
flash again – Indicating unit entering normal operation.
The unit should now function normally again but if not reset the unit to make sure.

3. Use the Unit

After connecting and installing the unit, do the Programming as indicated in 2.7 and then start to use.
Present your Access Card and/or your Keypad Code, depending on the Access Criteria set on the unit.
The unit would display the Date and Time and then if Access Granted would display " 0001 Granted" on the bottom line or if
Denied it would display " Access Denied" in the same line.
If access were granted the unit would activate the Relay to deactivate the door lock to grant access.
If after the door was opened the door were kept open to long the Reader Buzzer would sound prompting you to close the door.
If the buzzer is ignored the External Alarm Relay would be activated for the set time.
This would continue until the door is closed.
If this door were forced open the External Alarm would be activated again for the set time.
If the REX is activated the door could be opened by remote and this is also indicated on the display.
In the event of the power going off, all the features, Real Time Clock and other data would be reloaded automatically on switch on
of the power and would provide an seamless reactivation of functions.
Daffue Electronic Solutions cc –
MONOLOG Users Manual - Issue 1B
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