Comcast XFINITY User Manual - Page 15

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Comcast XFINITY User Manual
Why do I see "To be announced" in the TV Listings instead of program titles?
If power is lost to the Digital Set-Top Box, up to 14 days of data for hundreds of channels needs to be reloaded.
Data will begin to reload once power is restored. No action is required.
Why is my remote control not responding to any button presses?
Press the Cable button on your remote and then try to change the channel. If nothing happens, check the
batteries for possible replacement. If the remote still doesn't work, press the arrow button on the front of the
Digital Set-Top Box. If the channel changes, then most likely you have a faulty remote that may need to be
replaced. If you are having an issue with a specific button, that button may be inactive and reserved for future
How do I control what my child watches?
With Parental Control features, you can restrict the viewing of certain material on your TV. You can set a lock
to restrict viewing by rating, such as R or NC-17, or restrict viewing by program title. You can also lock certain
channels. For more information, refer to the Parental Controls section, visit our website at
parentalcontrols or call 1-866-781-1888.
What if I forget my Parental Control PINs?
Call Comcast customer service to reset them. After they're reset, you'll be able to enter your new Parental
Controls code.
How do I get rid of the red light that is appearing on the front of my Digital Set-Top 
This is the Message Center Indicator notifying you that you have received a new message from Comcast
announcing new services, special promotions and other information. When you have a message, an envelope
indicator will appear on the Main Menu and TV Listings screens, and a red light will appear on your Digital Set-
Top Box. You can access the Message Center by selecting Messages from the Main Menu. Once you have read
all new messages or deleted them, the red light will no longer appear.
Why did a program not record even though the guide indicated with a red dot that it 
was set to record?
You cannot set a DVR recording unless you have a DVR Set-Top Box and subscribe to DVR service. You can set
a VCR recording if you have a VCR properly connected to your Digital Set-Top Box, which is why there is still a
record option. If you do not have a DVR, or a VCR is not connected, you will not be able to record a program.
However, a recording indicator will still appear in the guide when you press Record on the remote control or
select Record from the Program Information screen.
Is it necessary to get a new TV to watch HDTV?*
To receive HD, a high-definition television is required. Once you have an HDTV, an HD Set-Top Box from
Comcast will enable you to enjoy the enhanced picture, sound and wide-screen format of high-definition
How often are new movies and programs added to XFINITY On Demand?*
The library of On Demand programs is ever changing, with movies and shows added every day. New-release
movies are added every week. For a complete look at the programming available, go to the On Demand Menu
and select the categories that interest you. Many trailers or previews are also available. To learn more about
programs currently available from On Demand, go to
* These questions and answers may refer to products not yet available in all areas. Go to for more information. Comcast
continues to bring you a variety of ways to enhance your entertainment experience. Please refer to for products available in your
area. Comcast installation services are subject to Comcast's applicable charges.
Frequently Asked Questions