ATK 250LQ 1995 Owner's Manual - Page 14
Browse online or download pdf Owner's Manual for Motorcycle ATK 250LQ 1995. ATK 250LQ 1995 18 pages.
Main jet:
Air bleed screw:
When fine-tuning the carburetor start
with the main jet. If the engine sounds
rich or lean under full throttle condi
tions, change the main jet size. The
main jet is located under the float
bowl. It can be reached after float bowl
nut removal which requires a 17mm
boxend wrench. Use a jet wrench to
remove the main jet and then replace
it with a smaller numbered jet if the
bike is running rich, a larger one if it is
running lean.
The air-bleed screw should be adjust
ed for a smooth idle speed. Turning
the screw clockwise reduces the
amount of air-bleed, counter clockwise
increases the amount of air entering
the engine at idle speed. Slowly move
the screw a half turn clockwise and
note the engine's idle speed, then
return it to 1.5 turns and then rotate it
counter clockwise a half turn, noting
the engine speed. If the engine gained
speed in one direction return the
adjuster to that position.
The needle is the long, thin, tapered
steel part that protrudes out the bot
tom of the throttle slide. It is reached
by removing the carburetor's top.
When the top of the carburetor is
pulled away from the carburetor body,
the throttle-return spring and throttle
slide will be attached to it. The needle
jet and the jet needle (the part that the
needle jet slides up and down in) are
responsible for the engine's operation
between 1/4 throttle and 3/4 throttle. If
Clip position from top
5 ~ 2
- ^
L e a n e s t
Carburetor needle
ATK 1995 Owner' s Manual
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