Atlantic'S MD-204R User Manual
Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Security System Atlantic'S MD-204R. Atlantic'S MD-204R 2 pages. Wireless hooter
W ireless hooter MD-204R
1. Introduction
The MD-204R siren is designed for indoor use. It is
powered from its ownAC adapter and has a built in
back up battery. The siren communicateswirelessly
with the control panel (two way communication),
magnetic contact, panic button and keyfob. In
addition to signaling alarms, it can also provide
arming and disarming chirps. The siren makes regu-
lar auto testing and reports its condition regularly
to the system for full supervision. Only one MD-20
4R siren can be used with a control panel.
1.Disassembly steps:
A .press the case and rotate the base to remove the front case
3.Function and operation
When power on, thee LED will start wink nonregularly.If it turn on and off regularly, it can be the
result of a weak radio signal ( long distance, interference etc.).
Pressing SAVE b utton, trigger the
devices inten ded to enroll, when
there is an alarm sound outp ut,
operate suc cessfully. Th is siren
can enroll m ax 60 wireless devic-
es, including con trol panel , det ec
tors and keyfobs.
user manual
2.Delete the enrolled devices
Pr essin g both SAVE and C LR button,
the LED wi ll turn off after ligh ting on
se veral seconds, an d light on aga in.
Now release bot h SAVE and CLR b u-
tto n, to delete al l enrolled devices.
high power siren
. mount the base
Su rface mou ntin g
option al
A .
Mark and dril l
on the wall
B .
Fix t he the base
with crews