DryBell Vibe Machine Quick Start Manual
Browse online or download pdf Quick Start Manual for Music Pedal DryBell Vibe Machine. DryBell Vibe Machine 2 pages.
professional handmade pedals
Thank you for purchasing Vibe Machine pedal from DryBell. Vibe Machine is a high quality Uni-Vibe ® type pedal fully developed in high-end class. It was designed
with discrete transistors, just like the classic Uni-Vibe®, but made with small electronic SMD technology. Its reduced size makes it perfect for a smaller pedalboard.
Currently (2011), Vibe Machine is the smallest vibe pedal in the world with all original Uni-Vibe® options and more. Enjoy!
Controls the depth and the character of the chorus (vibe) or vibrato sound and it defines the strength and dynamic of a heart beat. The heart beat starts from the 2
o'clock position to the maximum. A contour of the intensity potentiometer is custom designed to enable a quick and easy set up of different vibe sounds.
SPEED (pot) 2
A speed potentiometer adjusts speed pulsations of the vibe (chorus) or vibrato sound. Its size and placement makes foot control possible.
VOLUME (side trimmer) 3
This trimmer adjust the level of the clean input signal. At minimal setting the volume is reduced by 4dB, and maximum setting gives slight boost to input signal. The
volume trimmer is set on a one-time basis. For setting it, please use a small plastic screwdriver.
Selects between the chorus (the classic vibe) and the vibrato sound.
For a brighter sound, turn the switch to BRIGHT position. This setting turns on the input FET buffer. If the Vibe Machine is the first (or only) in your effect chain, it will
use over the entire tonal range of your pickups. Original Uni-Vibe® has a relatively low input impedance and a warm sound, which can be obtained by setting the
switch to ORIGINAL on Vibe Machine. If you are more a vintage fan, switch to the ORIGINAL position for a darker sound. If any other pedal with a similar buffer is
placed before the Vibe Machine, BRIGHT/ORIGINAL switch has no effect.
PEDAL+ (external speed pedal jack) 6
For external speed control you can use a classic passive volume pedal or an expression pedal. Try to use linear 100kΩ potentiometers (18). Excellent results can also
be achieved with a classic wah (crybaby) potentiometer. See the wiring diagram of the external speed control pedal (ESC pedal) on page 2 of this manual.
TFC OUTPUT (control output for Pedal Traffic system) 7
When the V-1 pedal is turned on, a control voltage appears on the TFC output. If you use DryBell Pedal Traffic (or another similar automatic looper), connect Vibe
Machine to the Pedal Traffic. This system significantly extends the capabilities of your pedalboard. For example, you can turn the Vibe Machine on, and automatically
any other pedal in your chain is activated/deactivated. All this with only one press of the Vibe Machine footswitch. This is just one example. Visit www.drybell.com for
more information.
If you use an external speed control pedal (ESC pedal), it is possible to turn on Leslie cabinet mechanical inertia. When this option is enabled, every time you move the
pedal ESC to a new position, the oscillations gradually speed up or slow down to the new position. This option has no effect on a regular speed potentiometer of the
Vibe Machine, only on the ESC pedal if it's connected. To activate the Leslie speed acceleration option, you need to remove 4 screws (17) and a rear lid of the pedal,
and set the jumper (8) to 'ON' position. By default, this option is disabled.
OUTPUT BUFFER (internal jumper) 9
Original Uni-Vibe® has a high output impedance. Therefore, longer cables from a pedalboard to an amplifier tend to drown treble tones. As high impedance lines are
more sensitive to interferences, hum and noise are increased. If the output buffer is activated, i.e. impedance line is low, all mentioned interferences are reduced. By
default, this option is enabled. To deactivate the output buffer you need to remove 4 screws (17) and a rear lid of the pedal, and set the jumper (9) to 'OFF' position.
RANGE & SYMMETRY (factory-set side trimmers) 10
These trimmers are used for setting the correct throb sound. They are factory set. If you still want to experiment, use a small plastic screwdriver for an adjustment.
TRUE BYPASS with PULSING LED (footswitch) 11, 12
Each time you press the footswitch (11), the effect is turned on or off. Vibe Machine has a true bypass system. This means that when the pedal is off, internal circuits
have no effects on the original sound. When the effect is active, the red LED (12) will flash in a vibe oscillations rhythm.
POWER SUPPLY (no battery, only adapter) 13
You can use unregulated or regulated adapter 9V DC / 100mA. The maximum recommended voltage on DC power supply input is 16V. The maximum allowable short-
term voltage is 25V. If you use high voltages in the recommended range (16V max), Vibe Machine will generate more heat, this is normal. Vibe Machine has an
internal protection against reverse power polarity and static discharges.
INPUT and OUTPUT (jacks) 14,15
On the input jack plug in your guitar or the output of the previous pedal. To the output jack connect your amplifier or input of the following pedal in the chain.
Manufacturer Part Number:
Input impedance ORIGINAL:
Input impedance BRIGHT:
Output imp.
output buffer: 100kΩ
Output imp. with output buffer: 50Ω
External power supply:
Adapter 9V DC, (8.9Vmin > 16Vmax!)
Power supply connector type:
Barrel, Plug 5.5mm/2.1mm, Center Negative
85mA Maximum
® is registered trademark of Jim Dunlop Manufacturing.
Vibe Machine
TFC output ON / OFF voltage:
TFC output impedance:
TFC output connector type:
Width (W/O jacks):
Height (W/O potentiometers): 31 mm
Weight: (W/O package):
Weight: (with package):
Standard color/finish:
Vibe Machine™
is a trademark of DryBell Electronic Musical Equipment Laboratory.
Vibe Machine V-1, User's manual ENG, rev.1 , 12/2011
ON state = 8.3V DC, OFF state = 0V
Barrel, Plug 4.0mm/1.7mm, Center Positive
112 mm
60 mm
0,270 kg / 0,56 lb
0,48 kg
Red Candy Metallic
/ 4,42 inch
/ 2,37 inch
/ 1,22 inch
/ 1,06 lb
Doc. No. DM0923 / Page 1