ATTO Technology FastStream SC 7500 Quick Start Manual - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf Quick Start Manual for Host Adapter ATTO Technology FastStream SC 7500. ATTO Technology FastStream SC 7500 2 pages. Create an affordable san for content creation environments
Also for ATTO Technology FastStream SC 7500: Technical Specification (2 pages), Brochure (14 pages), Hot Sheet (2 pages), Selection Manual (1 pages), Selection Manual (1 pages), Interoperability Matrix (1 pages), Specifications (2 pages), Tech Brief (2 pages)

ATTO Technology FastStream SC 7500 Quick Start Manual
If a DHCP server is available on your network, an
address is assigned automatically by the server. Note
the assigned address:
If you do not have a DHCP server, get an IP address and
subnet mask from your network administrator, type it
into the area provided, and click on Next.
Click on Launch Browser.
Your browser points to the ATTO ExpressNAV splash
screen. If you use Internet Explorer as a browser,
continue on to
Set up Internet Explorer
continue on to
Begin initial
Set up Internet Explorer
Open your browser.
Select Internet Options.
In the Internet Options screen, select the Security
Click on the Trusted Sites icon.
Click on the Sites button.
In the text box Add this Web site to the zone, add the
IP address of the appliance. You may use wild cards.
Exhibit 1 One view of how to connect the FastStream into a rack: brackets may be mounted on either the front or the connector sides
of the FastStream.
F a s tS tre a m
e n c lo s u re
a . A tta c h b ra c k e ts to b o th s id e s o f th e F a s tS tre a m
e n c lo s u re u s in g b ra ck e ts a n d sc re w s s u p p lie d b y
A T T O .
Exhibit 2 Detail of the connector side of the FastStream enclosure.
below. If not,
Click on Add.
Uncheck the Require server verification check box.
Click OK.
10 At the bottom of the Internet Options box, click on OK
and close the box.
Begin initial configuration
The ExpressNAV interface welcome screen appears.
Click on Enter Here.
Type in the user name and password.
The default values are user name root and password
Password. The user name is case insensitive and the
password is case sensitive.It is best practice to change
the default user name and password.
The Initial Setup page appears.
Initialize drives and set up RAID groups using the
wizards provided in ExpressNAV. Refer to the
Installation and Operation Manual for details.
F a stS tre a m
b . A tta c h th e e n c lo s u re /b ra c k e t a ss e m b ly to th e
ra c k u s in g th e s c re w s n e e d e d fo r y o u r ra c k .
e n clo s u re