Anytrek ThermoTrack VT2002 Installation Manual - Page 3
Browse online or download pdf Installation Manual for Thermometer Anytrek ThermoTrack VT2002. Anytrek ThermoTrack VT2002 8 pages. Solar powered 4g connected tanker thermometer with gps tracking
Digital Thermometer with Real-Time
Tracking and Reporting
The Main Functions!
Direct replacement
for analog thermometers.
Real-time location and
temperature updates.
Can go through
hot caustic washes
again and again.
Informative alerts
notify you of any
important events.
Set maintenance
reminders by
mileage or date.
Suitable for food grade, kosher
and hot/cold chemicals
No wiring required.
Transmits temperature
every 15 minutes.
ThermoTrack is a plug-in replacement
for all 3.5 inch tanker thermometers.
Powered by a solar panel and
rechargeable battery, it is simple and
quick to install as it does not require any
wiring or custom installation.
ThermoTrack contains a digital
thermometer, GPS module, 4G modem,
digital display and a backup battery
which is recharged by the built-in solar
panel. The digital thermometer connects
to the inner tanker shell via a probe or
cable. ThermoTrack is suitable for both
hot and cold loads as it will monitor
temperatures from -58°F to +257°F.
Anytrek is driven to be a leading
pioneer of innovative technologies
and solutions for the trucking