Dangerous power FUSION User Manual - Page 6

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Paintball equipment Dangerous power FUSION. Dangerous power FUSION 15 pages.

Fusi on will work with N and com press ed air.
Before attach ing the air syst em onto Fusi on, ensu re the bottom line dev ice is in place.
Always use the front han dle regu lator for ensu ring the operating press ure is at 250 to 300 psi .
Before attach ing the air syst em, put lubricat ion on the o-r ing of the air tank .
If there is an on/off switch present ed on the air syst em, shu t the air syst em off before
con nec ting it onto Fusi on.
It is reco mmend ed to maintain the fact ory stock dual regu lator syst em for optimum
perf orm anc e of Fusi on.
N and com press ed air can be extr emely dan gerou s if not han dle prop erly or misused. Only use
prop erly cert ified cyli nders.
Keep air syst ems away from open flames or any other potenti al fire haz ards.
Always remove the tank from Fusi on when not in use.
N and com press ed air are reco mmend ed for best resul ts with Fusi on.
The OPR syst em cou ld be used to utilize the press ure.
Pin valve type air syst em is reco mmend ed with the OPR.


Becau se there might be air left insi de of Fusi on after usi ng, follow the inst ructi ons below to release
the press ure within.
1. Discon nec t the load er and ensu re there are no paint ball s insi de of Fusi on.
2. If there is an on/off switch present on the air syst em, shu t the air syst em off.
3. Turn off the sensor syst em.
4. OPR: Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew clock wise, or in, will lower the OPR's output press ure.
Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew cou nterclock wise, or out, will raise the OPR's output press ure.
LPR: Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew clock wise, or in, will lower the LPR's output press ure.
Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew cou nterclock wise, or out, will raise the LPR's output press ure.
5. Dry fire Fusi on until there is no air left insi de of it.
6. Discon nec t the air syst em.