Audiomatica QCBOX 4 User Manual - Page 11
Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Amplifier Audiomatica QCBOX 4. Audiomatica QCBOX 4 13 pages. Amplifier & switch box
It is possible to control the QCBOX Model 4 from the CLIOwin software.
Run CLIOwin, then click on the External Hardware Button (or simply press Shift-F4).
Select the proper parallel port and choose Model 4 in the 'Type' drop down. The control
should be active; an acoustic confirmation should come from the internal relays, you
should hear them clicking when changing inputs.
Please refer to the CLIOwin User's Manual for executing frequency response and
impedance measurements.
It is possible to calibrate the CLIOwin software to obtain maximum precision when
executing current sensing measurement. The calibration relies on the input of the correct
sensing resistor value (I Sense R) in the External Hardware panel.
Inside the unit there is a sensing resistor of nominal value of 0.1 Ohm; as it is rather
difficult to maintain such a low value under strict production control the software allows
for the input of its value. The calibration relies on an impedance measurement of a
precision resistor of known value.
Please enter the value of 0.1 Ohm; this will give you reasonable precision during
measurements even in absence of the calibration described hereafter.
If you want to proceed with the calibration:
1) Take a resistor of known value (in the range 10 to 22 Ohm); assume, for example,
a known resistor of 10 Ohm
2) Connect the resisitor directly to the output (D.U.T.) socket of the QCBox (don't use
connecting cables)
3) Simply perform an impedance measurement (refer to chapter 13 of CLIOwin User's
4) Read the value of its modulus at 1kHz; assume you read 9.5 Ohm
5) Multiply 0.1 by 1.05 (10/9.5) to obtain 0.105
6) Input this new value
7) Verify calibration with a new impedance measurement