Audiovalve RKV Mk II User Manual - Page 9

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Audiovalve RKV Mk II User Manual
RKV – HAA ( OTL head amp )
RKV – HAA ( OTL head amp )
The black jack at the upper left of the backside is the IEC power inlet. Inside the power
inlet a fuse can be found as a protection against overload.
For the 117 V version the value of the fuse should be 1 Ampere Slow.
For the 235 V version the fuse is 0,63 Ampere Slow.
Please only change the fuse with the powercord disconnected and if you're sure that the
amplifier is not defective!
Below the power inlet you find two pairs of RCA-inputs to connect the source of your audio
signal. The two pairs of inputs are connected in parallel. Thus you can bypass the input
signal to another amplification or recording device. Please use either the lower or the upper
pair of RCA-inputs to connect your source.
Whenever the device is to be serviced, please disconnect the powercord. Only a
knowledgable technician should have access to the amplifier.
This survey of the PCB's will explain the most important elements for service.
The four tubes are all equal and of the type ECL 85. Thereby the amplifier is relatively
secure from overload. The two tubes at the left side belong to the same audio channel.
If you want to exchange tubes, please disconnect the power cord. Also make sure that all
pins are properly mounted into the sockets. It is not uncommon that a pin is bend and
doesn't enter the socket.
________________dynamic headphone amplifier____________
________________dynamic headphone amplifier____________