Datel DMS-40LCD-4/20S Manual - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf Manual for Monitor Datel DMS-40LCD-4/20S. Datel DMS-40LCD-4/20S 5 pages. Ultra-low 2.9v loop-drop 4 1/2 digit lcd-display process monitor

Datel DMS-40LCD-4/20S Manual
Performance/Functional Specifications
Typical at T
= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Current Loop Input
Full Scale Input Range (1)
Loop Impedance (2)
Voltage Drop (2)
Overcurrent Protection
Sampling Rate
Adjustable Accuracy (5 min. warm-up)
Temperature Drift of Span (3)
Temperature Drift of Zero (3)
Display Type and Size
Polarity Indication
Overrange Indication
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Humidity (Non-condensing)
Case Material

Technical Notes

(1) Full Scale Input: The Display readings shown in Table 1 can typically be
obtained with transmitters having a low-level output of 3.8 to 4.3mA and a
full-scale output of 19.4 to 20.4mA. When using a transmitter whose
output falls outside these ranges and the desired display readings are
close to the upper or lower adjustment limits of the selected DIP-switch
setting #, try using the next highest DIP-switch setting # if, after
adjusting R7, the display reading is still too low, or the next lowest setting
# if thedisplay reading is still too high (see example number 2). Please
keep in mind that the DMS-40LCD meter from which the DMS-40LCD-
4/20S is derived has an accuracy specification of ±3 counts (max.); thus,
it may not always be possible to obtain the exact desired display
readings. A change of ±1 count is defined as the right-hand most digit
going up or down by one.
Display readings other than those shown in Table 1 are obtainable. For
example, some negative readings with a 4mA input are possible. Consult
DATEL for more information regarding display readings not shown in the
(2) Max. Loop-Voltage Drop/Max. Loop impedance: The maximum loop
voltage-drop and maximum loop impedance (burden) are both specified
with the meter configured for DIP-Switch setting #20 and an input loop
current of 20.0mA.
(3) Temperature Drift: Temperature drift of zero and temperature drift of gain
are both specified with the meter configured for range #20 with a 4mA
input adjusted (using R3) to read "0000" ±1 count, and a 20mA input
adjusted (using R7) to read "19000" ±2 counts at an initial ambient
temperature of 25°C.
DATEL, Inc., Mansfield, MA 02048 (USA) • Tel: (508)339-3000, (800)233-2765 Fax: (508)339-6356 • E-mail: [email protected] • Internet:
4 ½ D I G I T , 4 - 2 0 m A I N P U T , L O O P - P O W E R E D L C D D I S P L A Y M E T E R S
2.5 readings per second
±0.01% of full scale ±2 counts
4½ digit LCD, 0.40"/10.2mm high
"-" for negative readings
1 ounce (28grams)
The temperature drift of gain is proportional to the selected full-scale
range. It is typically less pronounced at the lower range settings, that
is, if the observed gain drift of a particular meter is +12 counts when
reading "19000" on range #20 at 40°C, the same meter will most
likely have a drift of only +6 counts when reading "9000" on range
#12 at 40°C.
The normally very accurate, temperature-insensitive autozero feature
of the DMS-40LCD-4/20S's built-in analog-to-digital converter (A/D)
is not a significant factor in determining the meter's overall zero-
reading stability over its rated operating temperature because an
offset voltage is applied to the A/D's LO input. This offset is used to
null the signal voltage developed with a 4ma input. In order for the
A/D to display a steady "0000" ±1 digit, the autozero circuitry requires
both A/D inputs to always be at exactly zero volts.
The meter's zero-reading stability over its specified operating
temperature is affected by the drift of three terms: the voltage
developed by the meter's offset circuitry; the voltage developed
across the meter's input resistors with a 4mA input; and the stability of
the applied 4mA input signal itself. In the lower DIP-switch settings
(ranges #1-4), the meter's parasitic etch and switch impedances also
contribute a small error voltage.
The meter's performance with regards to span stability over
temperature is affected by the drift of the meter's gain circuitry and
loop input-resistors. To minimize these drifts in applications requiring
the utmost in temperature stability, where possible, the meter should
be calibrated at its anticipated operating temperature.
Since the DMS-40LCD-4/20S uses extremely-stable thin-film chip
resistors, periodic re-calibration is typically required only in
environmentally demanding applications where shock, vibration,
and/or temperature extremes may have a detrimental effect on the
20-turn potentiometers.
Decimal Point Settings
Using the chart below as a guide, the DMS-40LCD-4/20S's decimal
points can be configured to suit the user's particular readout
requirements. To enable a desired decimal point place its DIP switch
to the ON position (up). Please note that the decimal points are
merely placeholders, that is, they can all be on or all off; they do not
affect the meter's operation and/or display readings.

Operating and Setup Instructions

The following procedure must be performed as the first re-calibration
step every time DIP-switches S1 and S2 are reconfigured to select a
new display range. The following procedure assumes the DMS-40LCD-
4/20S is initially completely mis-adjusted, i.e., both potentiometers and
DIP-switches S1 and S2 are randomly set. Make sure that all DIP-switch
actuators are pushed as far as they will go to their designated ON
(closed) or OFF (open) positions.
Switch S2