DYNACO PAT-4 Assembly Manual - Page 20

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DYNACO PAT-4 Assembly Manual

Appendix: The Toothpick Trick

This appendix describes an easy way to clear the solder from a hole in the PCB. It can
also be used to clear the solder from terminals on pots or jacks. Doing so makes it easier
to install a new component, or reinstall wires that were temporarily removed to allow
access to some other component.
All you'll need is a soldering iron and some toothpicks with sharp points. The diameter of
the pointed part of the toothpick must be smaller than the diameter of the hole that you're
trying to clear.
Heat the solder land on the component side of the board until the solder flows. Insert the
toothpick from the component side of the board while pushing and twisting the toothpick.
If the solder has melted, the toothpick should push through the board, displacing the
solder. Remove the soldering iron, but let the toothpick remain in the hole until the solder
has solidified. Now remove the toothpick. There should be a hole through the solder
sufficiently large to allow you to insert the component lead or wire.
Sometimes, a bit of the toothpick will break off in the hole. If this happens, use a stiff
piece of wire to push the toothpick fragment out of the hole.
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