GREAT PLANES AT-6 Texan Instruction Manual - Page 16

Browse online or download pdf Instruction Manual for Toy GREAT PLANES AT-6 Texan. GREAT PLANES AT-6 Texan 20 pages. Legendary warbirds custom-wood series

GREAT PLANES AT-6 Texan Instruction Manual


Note: This section is VERY important and must NOT be
omitted! A model that is not properly balanced will be
unstable and possibly unflyable.
1. The balance point (C.G.) is located 3-15/16" (100mm)
back from the leading edge of the wing (or 6-13/16 (173mm)
forward of the trailing edge), against the fuselage. Balance
your AT-6 using a Great Planes C.G. Machine™ Airplane
Balancer (GPMR2400) for the most accurate results. This is
the balance point at which your model should balance for your
first flights. After initial trim flights and when you become more
acquainted with your AT-6, you may wish to experiment by
shifting the balance up to 3/16" (5mm) forward or backward to
change its flying characteristics. Moving the balance forward
may improve the smoothness and stability, but the model may
then require more speed for takeoff and may become more
difficult to slow for landing. Moving the balance aft makes the
model more agile with a lighter, snappier "feel" and often
improves knife-edge capabilities. In any case, please start at
the location we recommend. Do not at any time balance your
model outside the recommended range.
2. With all the parts of the model installed (ready to fly)
and an empty fuel tank, lift the model at the balance point. If
the tail drops, the model is "tail heavy" and you must add
weight* to the nose to balance the model. If the nose drops,
it is "nose heavy" and you must add weight* to the tail to
balance the model.
Note: Nose weight may be easily installed by using a
"spinner weight." Tail weight may be added by using Great
Planes (GPMQ4485) "stick-on" lead weights.
* If possible, first attempt to balance the model by changing
the position of the receiver battery. If you are unable to
obtain good balance by doing so, then it will be necessary
to add weight to the nose or tail to achieve the proper
balance point.


The assembly and installation of the fuel tank has been
intentionally placed after balancing to allow the battery and
receiver to be repositioned as necessary. Since the fuel
tank is located very near the CG, installing it after balancing
is acceptable.
Rubber Stopper
1. The instructions for assembling the Fuel Tank are
included with the tank. Use these to prepare your fuel tank
for installation into the fuselage. Use the 90-degree tube
when assembling the fuel tank.
2. Wrap the tank with 1/4" foam rubber (HCAQ1000)
secured with a couple of rubber bands.


1. Drill two 1/4" (6mm) holes in the firewall near the
center to allow the fuel tubes to exit. Place the holes so the
tubes are easily routed to the muffler and carburetor. Put a
few drops of CA around the holes to seal the wood.
2. Place the fuel tank into the front of the fuselage.
Route the tubes through the holes in the firewall.
Fuel Pick-up