GREAT PLANES Dynaflite Bird of Time Manual Addendum - Page 5

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GREAT PLANES Dynaflite Bird of Time Manual Addendum
14. Unscrew the nylon locknuts from the folding propeller
blade pins and slide the pins out from the spinner hub.
Fit the propeller blades into the hub and then reinstall
the pins. The locknuts should be just tight enough so the
blades still rotate freely on the pins.
15. Fit the collet prop adapter onto the motor shaft. Slide
it fully onto the motor. Fit the hexagonal collar onto the
collet adapter.
16. Put the spinner backplate onto the collet and tighten it
down with the nylon spinner washer and prop nut. Install
the spinner cone using the included 2.5 x 22mm fl at head
machine screw.


The balancing instructions in the manual booklet on page 14
remain the same. Ideally, the recommended balance point
can be achieved by shifting the fl ight battery (and/or ESC and
receiver) forward or aft. Adding ballast to achieve the correct
balance should be a last resort. With the recommended
components (motor, battery, and ESC), the Bird of Time EP
should balance very near the recommended C.G. point.
In the manual booklet on pages 16-17 the text refers to
launching the Bird of Time using a winch or high start.
Obviously with the motor installed, these launching methods
are no longer necessary. The recommended RimFire .32 and
included prop provides an abundance of power so launching
the glider is very easy. With your (or your assistant's) hands
and face clear of the prop, hold the glider over your head by
the fuselage near the balancing point. Throttle up and give
the glider a gentle push into the wind with a slight upward
angle. The thrust of the power system should pull the glider
forward with authority and to a high altitude quickly.
If this is your fi rst fl ight, be prepared to make any corrections
that might be necessary if the plane is particularly out of
trim. Gain some altitude and then make your trim setting
changes if need be. You will also fi nd that the glider has a
tendency to pitch up with throttle. This cannot be trimmed
out with the elevator trim setting. You will either need to
compensate with elevator stick input to reduce the climb
angle whenever the motor is powered, or program your
transmitter to mix in some down elevator with throttle
input. Once you've reached a comfortable altitude, throttle
down and level the glider. The recommended power
system should provide you with enough motor run time to
get 10-12 climbs to altitude.
The landing procedure has not changed from the manual
booklet on page 17. Once you are lined up for your fi nal
landing approach, be sure to power down the motor and
come in gradually as the plane sinks. Even with the added
weight of the motor and battery, expect a long glide. Save
some battery for the end of your fi rst fl ight to allow you
to get a feeling for the glide distance. If you are going to
overshoot your landing area, you will have motor power to
climb for another go around.