GajShield UTM Series Quick Start Manual - Page 3

Browse online or download pdf Quick Start Manual for Firewall GajShield UTM Series. GajShield UTM Series 8 pages.

GajShield UTM Series Quick Start Manual

Getting Started

Connect GajShield Appliance & Power On
Personal Computer
Personal Computer (PC) Network Setup
Change your PC's IP address to and Subnet or any IP address of
network series. Also check your PC gateway & DNS, if you are trying to browse the internet.
Example:- If your GajShield firewall IP is, use the same IP as your default gateway & DNS.
Accessing GajShield from your Personal Computer
To start the Quick Wizard, open any Web Browser and type the below mentioned URL.
NOTE: Becaus e GajShi el d devi ce us es a s el f-s i gned certi fi ca te, you ma y s ee a certi fi cate warni ng i n your brows er. It i s
s a fe to i gnore the warni ng i n (Internet Expl orer) or to add a certi fi ca te excepti on i n (Mozi l l a Fi refox).
Log in with the user name superuser and password wonderdream.
NOTE: Get the product l i cens e from your s a l es repres enta ti ve.
After log in upload the license file into firewall, for the Quick Setup Wizard to initialise.
Follow the on screen instructions to complete the basic installation.
NOTE: Your Ga jShi el d devi ce comes i ns tal l ed wi th bas i c confi gura ti on that al l ows outbound TCP, UDP, and pi ng tra ffi c,
a nd bl ocks a l l unreques ted i nbound tra ffi c from the WAN network.
GajShield UTM
Red Cable
(Cross Cable)
This image is used for representation purpose, the appliance & interface varies from model to model.
Grey Cable
(Straight Cable)
Network Diagram
ISP Router