Celestron StarSense 94008 Instruction Manual - Page 8

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Celestron StarSense 94008 Instruction Manual
points near the poles for EQ mounts. After selecting alignment points,
click "Complete" in the bottom left of the window. Before CPWI begins
the alignment, it will ask if you want to save your user-defi ned alignment
points. If you do, you can use the .sua fi le later with the "Load Custom
Points" option.
Load Custom Points
Once you have defi ned "Custom Points" as described above, you can
choose this option to use them again. Select the .sua fi le you created
previously, and alignment will automatically begin.
Manual Slewing
With this alignment option, you use the Mount Slew Controls window
to manually slew SSAG to a clear area of the sky and click "Solve Here"
to obtain an alignment reference. Repeat the process four times, and
alignment is complete. This is the least automated choice, but it can be
helpful if your observing site has obstructions or the sky is partly cloudy.
For best results, use four alignment points that are as widely spaced as
possible and avoid points near the poles for EQ mounts.
Adding Additional Alignment References
After alignment, you can see the information about the mount's generated
pointing model, including the RMS error, the total number of points in the
alignment model, and the calculated polar alignment error.
You can add additional alignment references throughout the night by
selecting an object in the planetarium view, clicking on it, and choosing
"Model." The mount will slew to the object's location, and SSAG will
add the alignment reference to the mount's pointing model. Pointing
accuracy should be quite good with only four points, but it will generally
increase with each alignment reference you add.
If you have never performed a center calibration with your telescope and
SSAG, CPWI will prompt you to do so after sky alignment.
Center Calibrate
Center calibration aligns SSAG's fi eld of view with that of your telescope.
You'll generally only need to center-calibrate the fi rst time you use SSAG
with a new telescope tube. However, you may need to center-calibrate
again if you remove the bracket base from the telescope and then reinstall
the bracket. If you only remove SSAG and its bracket, leaving the bracket
base on the telescope, you should not need to center-calibrate again.
If you have not center-calibrated previously, SSAG will automatically
initiate a center calibration
calibrate later, choose "Center Calibrate" from the StarSense AG menu.
To do a center calibration:
1. Select an object in the SkyViewer planetarium screen by clicking
on it. Choose a bright star or planet that is clearly visible from your
observing location.
2. The telescope will now slew to the selected object. Depending on the
offset between SSAG's fi eld of view and the telescope's, the object
may or may not be in the telescope's fi eld of view. In any case, the
telescope should be pointing toward the object.
3. CPWI will prompt you to center the object in the fi eld of view of the
telescope's eyepiece. You can use the onscreen Mount Slew Controls
window. When you are fi nished, click "Centered" in the Pointing
Model Information window.
• If the star is not within the fi eld of view of the fi nderscope, slew
manually until it is.
• If you are not using a fi nderscope, use your widest-fi eld eyepiece
to fi nd the object instead. If the object is not in the eyepiece's
fi eld of view, sight down the length of the telescope tube to point
it to the object.
• For fi nal centering, use a high-powered eyepiece.
• When centering the star in the telescope's fi eld of view, use the up
and right direction keys last.
sky alignment. If you want to center-
4. SSAG will perform the center calibration and return the message
"Center Calib Success."
Once you've completed Auto Align and Center Calibration, you can
command the telescope to accurately place any celestial object you
choose within the telescope's fi eld of view.
Polar Alignment
Although your EQ mount (or AZ mount on EQ wedge) does not need
to be polar aligned to use SSAG, SSAG can help you achieve a very
accurate polar alignment. A precise polar alignment slightly improves
overall pointing accuracy—but only by a few arcminutes. If you choose to
polar align, do so before sky alignment. If you wish to polar align later, you
can select the "Polar Align Mount" option in the SSAG menu.
NOTE: These instructions explain how to perform the polar alignment
procedure in the Northern Hemisphere. If you are in the Southern
Hemisphere, always point your mount due South instead of due
To perform a polar alignment with SSAG through CPWI:
1. Roughly polar aligning your mount fi rst will make the entire process
quicker and easier. Once you are roughly aligned, you can achieve an
accurate polar alignment using only the mount's altitude and azimuth
fi ne adjustment knobs.
a. Make sure the mount is reasonably level. If your mount has a
bubble level built in, use that for reference.
b. Adjust the altitude of the mount so that the mount's latitude scale
indicates roughly the same latitude as your observing site.
c. Lift and rotate the entire tripod and mount so that the right
ascension (RA) axis points approximately due North. The
mount's position doesn't need to be perfect. Aim within about
5° due North so the mount is within the range of the mount's
azimuth fi ne adjustment knobs. Use a free compass app for your
smartphone if you need help fi nding North.
d. If you loosened the altitude or azimuth adjustment knobs during
rough polar alignment, make sure they are retightened before
2. Manually slew the telescope to an initial start position using the Mount
Slew Controls window.
• The telescope will slew from West to East for about 50° during the
polar alignment process. Try to choose a clear area that provides
a clear path.
3. Click "Begin" in the SSAG Polar Alignment section of the Pointing
Model Information window. The mount will slew East, stopping about
every 10° to obtain a polar alignment reference.
4. After SSAG has obtained its polar alignment references, it will display
the azimuth axis adjustment window (Fig. 18). Slowly fi ne-adjust your
mount's azimuth until the "Azm Error" is less than two arcminutes.
• If the mount has azimuth axis locks, loosen them fi rst.
• Make the adjustments slowly so SSAG can track them. If you
adjust too quickly and SSAG loses track, you'll need to restart the
entire polar alignment process.
Fig. 18: Azimuth Axis Adjustment window during polar alignment in CPWI.
5. Click "Next Axis" when you are done making adjustments to the
azimuth. The Altitude axis adjustment window will appear (Fig. 19).