DBI SALA 5900091 User Instruction Manual - Page 5
Browse online or download pdf User Instruction Manual for Safety Equipment DBI SALA 5900091. DBI SALA 5900091 8 pages. Rebar lanyards for work positioning
Double Leg Rebar Lanyard
(Connect one leg to each hip D-ring)
single Leg Rebar Lanyards with snap Hook: Connect the snap hook to the front D-ring on your
cross-over style full body harness. If using this rebar lanyard with a waist belt, slide the waist belt
D-ring to your front and connect the snap hook.
b. ConneCTIng To THe anCHoRage:
Connect the snap hook or carabiner on
the rebar lanyard to the intersection of the
horizontal and vertical rebar as shown in
Figure 6.
C. ConneCTIng THe PeRsonaL FaLL
aRResT sysTeM: Connect the personal
fall arrest system to the dorsal back
D-ring on your full body harness. See
Figure 2. See personal fall arrest system
manufacturer's instructions for more
It is the responsibility of the user to assure they are familiar with these instructions, and are trained in the
correct care and use of this equipment. User must also be aware of the operating characteristics, application
limits, and the consequences of improper use of this equipment.
WarnIng: Training must be conducted without exposing the trainee to a fall hazard. Training should be
repeated on a periodic basis.
before each use inspect according to steps listed in section 5.2. Remove equipment from field service
if it has been subjected to damage or has been subjected to a fall arrest force.
annually: This equipment must be inspected according to steps listed in section 5.2 by a competent
person, other than the user, at least annually. Record the results of each inspection in the inspection and
maintenance log in section 9.0.
WarnIng: If this equipment has been subjected to fall arrest forces, remove from service and destroy.
IMPortant: Extreme working conditions (harsh environments, prolonged use, etc.) may require increasing the
frequency of inspections.
InsPeCTIon sTePs:
step 1. Inspect rebar lanyard hardware (snap hooks, carabiners, quick-links, etc.) for damage, distortion,
sharp edges, worn parts, or corrosion. The snap hooks or carabiners must work properly. Hook
gates must move freely and lock upon closing.
step 2. Inspect the lanyard material as applicable:
Figure 5 - Connecting To your body support
Single Leg Rebar Lanyard
with D-ring
Rebar Lanyard
Single Leg Rebar Lanyard
with Snap Hook
Figure 6 - Connecting To The anchorage
Snap Hook or Carabiner
Connect Snap Hook or Carabiner to the intersection of the
horizontal and vertical rebar
Vertical Rebar
Horizontal Rebar