Autonics ARD-AI04 Manual - Page 9
Browse online or download pdf Manual for I/O Systems Autonics ARD-AI04. Autonics ARD-AI04 10 pages. Devicenet remote i/o analog, terminal block type
Also for Autonics ARD-AI04: Product Manual (4 pages)
ARD-A Series
In case of comparison output, this function is to increase
stability of comparison output against vibration of input
signal or chattering.
It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
It is applied when Compare Bit flag turns ON at Function
Choice of Analog Input Point Object.
Set the value at Hysteresis Value.
Setting range: 0 to 16,383 (factory default: 0)
Output value setting for com. error
When communication error occurs, this function is to
set output value of output unit by each channel. It is
able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
Set Fault state at Fault Action of Analog Output Point.
Setting range: 0 to 3 (factory default: 1)
0: Hold Last State-maintains the last status
2: High Limit-outputs max. value
1: Low Limit-outputs min. value
3: Zero Count-outputs 0%
Assembly Instance ID Assignment
Produced I/O assignment (Input)
It is available to assign I/O data by the selected data at master. When changing Produced I/O data assignment, re-supply
the network power of ARD unit to apply the changed assignment.
1) Analog Data1 (Default I/O Data)
Analog Data 1 is assigned as Produced I/O data by Configurator or Explicit message. By property setting, assignment is
available as Analog Input Value, Peak Value, Bottom Value.
● Assembly Instance ID: 103,
● Setting range: 0 to 2 (Analog Input Value: 0, Peak Value: 1, Bottom Value: 2)
● Data type: Word, Data size: 4Word
Assigned value to Analog Data 1 of Input point 0
Assigned value to Analog Data 1 of Input point 1
2) Analog Data2
Analog Data 2 is assigned as Produced I/O data by Configurator or Explicit message. By property setting, assignment is
available as Analog Input Value, Peak Value, Bottom Value.
● Assembly Instance ID: 104
● Setting range: 0 to 2 (Analog Input Value: 0, Peak Value: 1, Bottom Value: 2)
● Data type: Word, Data size: 4Word
Assigned value to Analog Data 2 of Input point 0
Assigned value to Analog Data 2 of Input point 1
3) Generic Status
Generic Status is assigned as Produced I/O data by Configurator or Explicit message.
● Assembly Instance ID: 100
● Generic Status
Bit 0: Reserved.
Bit 1: Network Power Voltage Drops.
Bit 2: Life State (Unit)
● Default: 0
● Default: 0
● Data type: Byte, Data size: 1Byte
Bit 3: Reserved.
Bit 4: Reserved.
Bit 5: Reserved.
Generic Status
Status flag monitoring
When the network power voltage is lower than the
set value or unit operation time is over the set value,
monitoring is available by Status Bit of Application
It is able to read by Configurator or Explicit message.
※ Flag Bit
Bit 0: Reserved
Bit 1: Network Power Voltage Drops
(below the set level)
Bit 2: Life State (Unit)
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6: Reserved
Bit 7: Reserved
Analog data allotment
This function is to allot analog data. Select the desired
data to transmit it to the master unit. It is able to read
by Configurator or Explicit message.
Set the allotment at Analog Data 1/2 Allocation
selection of Analog Output Point.
Setting range: 0 to 2 (factory default: 0)
0: Analog Input Value
1: Peak Value
2: Bottom Value
Assigned value to Analog Data 1 of Input point 2
Assigned value to Analog Data 1 of Input point 3
Assigned value to Analog Data 2 of Input point 2
Assigned value to Analog Data 2 of Input point 3
Bit 6: Reserved.
Bit 7: Reserved.