Garden Architecture HERITAGE PERGOLA ARBOR Assembly Instructions - Page 2

Browse online or download pdf Assembly Instructions for Outdoor Furnishing Garden Architecture HERITAGE PERGOLA ARBOR. Garden Architecture HERITAGE PERGOLA ARBOR 4 pages.

Lay one of the side panels flat on your work surface,
aligning one brace to the pencil mark on the post.
Using one 2½ screw, secure the brace into the side panel,
flush with outer edge of post. Refer to Step 3 to square up
the arbor.
Attach a second brace to the opposite post of the same
side panel, aligning the brace to the pencil mark, flush
with outer edge of post.
Repeat the above processes to attach the remaining two
braces to the other side panel.
Lay one of the 2" x 6" headers flat on your work
surface, aligning a side panel to the pencil mark on
the header. Header will be about 1" above top of
Using one 1¼" screw, secure the side panel to the
header in the higher of the two pre-drilled holes.
The other screw will come later.
Attach the second side panel to the opposite end of
the header, aligning the panel to the pencil mark.
Turn the assembly over and attach the second
header following the same method as the first.
Product ID 820.2170 / Instruction ID 445.35.30
Bowers Forest Products / PO Box 589 / Beavercreek, OR 97004 / Cust. Serv. 503-631-4408
NOTE: Staples on the side
panel lattice should face
the outside of the arbor.
Pre-drilled holes
Pencil mark
Updated 11/19/19