Brother Fax-4100e User Manual - Page 14

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Fax Machine Brother Fax-4100e. Brother Fax-4100e 25 pages. Printer manual
Also for Brother Fax-4100e: Quick Setup Manual (1 pages)

Brother Fax-4100e User Manual

Quick Print Setup

The Quick Print Setup feature allows you to quickly select driver settings. To
view settings, simply click your mouse button on the task tray icon. This feature
can be set to ON or OFF from the Device Options section.
Administrator (For Windows
95/98/98SE/Me Only)
The administrator selection permits the Copy, Scaling and Watermark features
to be locked and password protected.
Record your password and keep it in a safe place for future reference. If you
forget your password these settings can not be accessed.
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P R I N T E R D R I V E R S E T T I N G S ( F O R W I N D O W S
O N L Y )