Avocent DSR 1024 Firmware Release Notes - Page 2

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Avocent DSR 1024 Firmware Release Notes
This release contains the following enhancements:
1. Updated DSAVIQ-USB2 and DSAVIQ-PS2M module firmware to revise DDC string to insure
greater compatibility with local port monitors.
2. Added support for IPv6 from either the On-Board Web Interface (OBWI) or DSView® 3
management software version or higher. Note: ICMP ping response cannot be disabled
while in IPv6 mode.
3. Added support for Avocent Mouse Synchronization, which eliminates the need to disable mouse
acceleration on Windows® and Macintosh® target devices connected via a DSAVIQ-USB2
module. Note: This appliance firmware will cause DSAVIQ-USB2 modules to automatically
4. Added the capability to configure network settings via the OSCAR® graphical user interface.
5. Added support for DSR switch-based LDAP user authentication via the OBWI, DSR Remote
Operations Software, and the OSCAR interface.
6. Added support for virtual media via the OBWI.
7. Added support for the HP AF605A module for seamless access to HP® c-Class blade servers.
8. Added the ability to enable or disable SNMP via the OBWI.
9. The OSCAR interface displays four-digit version numbers by default.
10. Updating the network configuration no longer requires the DSR switch to reboot for the changes to
become active.
This release contains the following fixes:
1. Corrected issue where IQ module name was editable by a user via the OBWI.
2. Corrected issue where the KVM video viewer would blink when set to full-screen mode and
connected to a 1280x1024 resolution target device.
3. Corrected issue where an appliance administrator received an insufficient access rights error
when using the local port to access a target device on a cascaded switch.
4. Corrected issue where the DSAVIQ-USB2 module's mouse was not detected by the LSI RAID
card's WebBIOS.
5. Fixed a security vulnerability in the GoAhead Webserver Directory Management Policy.