Enspert IDENTITY YUE-ESP-E201U Quick Start Manual

Browse online or download pdf Quick Start Manual for Tablet Enspert IDENTITY YUE-ESP-E201U. Enspert IDENTITY YUE-ESP-E201U 2 pages.

Warranty Statement
While you are using IDENTITY tab, errors occur or IDENTITY
Product Name
Model Name
tab does not work properly, refer to the image below. To
Serial No.
initialize the system for returning back to its default settings,
Sales Price
press the Initialize button with a thin, long metal object
such as ballpoint pen, etc. You can initialize IDENTITY tab
* Quality warranty period: Within one year for PAD and 6 months for the battery from the date of purchase.
without any loss of the applications and data saved in the
1. Performance and functional failures occurred while in normal use within the period of stocking components
SD card memory.
Warranty coverage
* NOTE: The volume is set to default values after initialization.
Consumer detriment type
In warranty period
Press the volume buttons to adjust the volume.
Failures within 14 days from the date of purchase (However, it is subject to
Replacement or refund
change depending on the provider's circumstances.)
Initialization button
Failures within one month from the date of purchase which requires critical repair
Replacement or free repair
Damage incurred during delivery or installation of the product after purchase
Failures within one month from the date of replacement which requires critical repair
Replacement or refund
Replacement is unavailable.
There are components for repair, but repair is unavailable.
Replacement or refund
Failures have occurred twice due to the same cause.
Free repair
Failures have occurred three times due to the same cause.
Replacement or refund
Failures have occurred five times due to the same cause.
The provider has lost a product which the consumer requested for repair
Repair is unavailable because components for repair are not stocked within
the components stocking period
2. Breakage due to consumer intention or error
Warranty coverage
Consumer detriment type
In warranty period
Out of warranty period
Failures due
Repair unavailable
The product will be replaced after charging the
The amount for charged repair will be charged and
to consumer's
amount for charged repair
depreciation cost will be applied prior to product replacement
intention or
Repair available
Charged repair
Charged repair
Warranty Statement
FCC information
Criteria for free and charged warranty service
1. Free warranty service
You can receive free warranty service for performance and functional failure
of the product which occurred while using your product normally within the
warranty period.
* NOTE: This equipment has been tested and founded to
2. Charged warranty service
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to
When failures occurred due to consumer errors
Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
- Failures caused by incorrect use or handling(dropping, submerging,
impact, excessive operation, etc.)
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
- Failures caused by repair conducted by unauthorized personnel at a
harmful interference in a residential installation.
Out of warranty period
service center which is not designated by Enspert
- Failures caused by consumer intention or errors
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy
- Failures caused by the use of uncertified consumable parts or accessories
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
- Failure caused by not adhering to the installation and use specified in
cause harmful interference to radio communications.
this guide
3. Other
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
- No failures
particular Installation.
- Failures caused by natural disasters (lightning, fire, salt damage, flood
damage, abnormal power, etc.)
If this equipment dose cause harmful interference to radio or television
- Consumable parts reached the end of their life spans (battery, lamps,
oscillator, etc.)
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
- Failures caused by consumer error
on, the user is encourage to try to correct the interference by one or
Charged repair
Failures caused by incorrect handling by the consumer
more of the following measures:
Charged repair
Failures caused by repair or modifications made by the consumer
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Failures caused by repair conducted by unauthorized personnel or a
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Charged repair
agency which is not designated by Enspert
• Connect the equipment into an outlet of a circuit different from that
Failures caused by the use of optional parts that are supplied by Enspert
to which the receiver is connected.
Refund money = (the actual
Failures or damage caused by incorrect handling
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
product price - depreciation price
The product warranty period in the above stipulations is within one year
+ 10%)
from the date of purchase. (However, the warranty does not apply to
the purchase of used products.)
Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
For a refund within the above stipulations, the consumer must attach
the equipment.
the purchase receipt or purchase details.
Connecting of peripherals requires the use of grounded shielded signal
Besides the stipulations mentioned above, all failures occurring after the
expiration of the product warranty period requires charged repair.
Safety information
Safety information for rf exposure
SAR information
Body worm operation
This device was tested for typical body-worn operations
with the back of the tablet pc kept 5 mm. from the
Turn your tablet pc OFF when in any area with a
Your wireless tablet pc is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed
potentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs
body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure
and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure
and instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause an
requirements, use only belt-clips, holsters or similar
to radiofrequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications
Commission of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of
explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.
accessories that maintain a 5 mm. separation distance
comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy
between the user's body and the back of the tablet pc,
for the general population. The guidelines are based on standards
including the antenna. The use of belt-clips, holsters and
that were developed by independent scientific organizations through
Certain electronic equipment may be shielded against RF
similar accessories should not contain metallic components
periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards
signal from you wireless tablet pc. (pacemakers, Hearing
in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy
include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety
Aids, and so on) Turn your tablet pc OFF in health care
these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure
of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure standard
facilities when any regulations posted in these areas
requirements, and should be avoided.
for wireless tablet pc employs a unit of measurement known as the
instruct you to do so. RF signals may affect improperly
Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/
installed or inadequately shielded electronic system in
kg. *
motor vehicles.
Tests for SAR are conducted with the tablet pc transmitting at its
highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although
the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement
SAR level of the tablet pc while operating can be well below the
antenna. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when
maximum value. This is because the tablet pc is designed to operate
at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach
the tablet pc is in use. Do not move the antenna close to,
the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station
or couching any exposed part of the body when making
antenna, the lower the power output. Before a tablet pc model is
a call.
available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the
FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the government
adopted requirement for safe exposure. The tests are performed
in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear and worn on the body)
as required by the FCC for each model. The highest SAR value for
FCC Compliance Information
this model tablet pc when tested for use at the body is 0.217 W/Kg
limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
, as described in this user guide.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(Body-worn measurements differ among tablet pc models,
harmful Interference in a residential installation This equipment
depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements). While
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if Not
1 This device may not cause harmful interference, and
there may be differences between the SAR levels of various tablet pc
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
2 This device must accept any interference received.
and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement
harmful Interference to radio communications. However, there is no
Including interference that may cause undesired
for safe exposure. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Installation. If
for this model tablet pc with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
on this model tablet pc is on file with the FCC and can be found
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
under the Display Grant section of http://www.fcc.gov/ oet/fccid after
one or more of the following measures:
searching on FCC ID: YUE-ESP-E201U.
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation
Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) can be
between the equipment and receiver.
found on the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Asso-ciation (CTIA)
- Connect the equipment into an outlet of a circuit different from
web-site at http://www.wow-com.com. * In the United States and
that to which the receiver is connected.
Canada, the SAR limit for tablet pc used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
(W/kg) averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates
a sub-stantial margin of safety to give additional protection for the
public and to account for any variations in measurements.
Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party
responsible for Compliance could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment. Connecting of peripherals requires the use of
grounded shielded signal cables.
NOTE : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the