Chronologic uAttend JR Series Product Manual - Page 9

Browse online or download pdf Product Manual for Time Clocks Chronologic uAttend JR Series. Chronologic uAttend JR Series 20 pages. Touch tablet time clock

7. Clock setup is now complete!
1. Plug your clock into a power outlet.
a. Follow the onscreen prompts to
select your WiFi Network.
b. Enter your password onscreen.
c. The clock will check for any needed
updates once the connection is
established, to be sure you have the
most up-to-date version of the clock
firmware possible!
2. Enter your uAttend Company ID
a. This ID can be found in the upper
right corner of your uAttend Web
Portal. If you do not have an account,
please set one up as outlined in
Section 2 of this manual.
3. Enter the 2-factor Authentication
Code, emailed to your uAttend
Account administrator's email
a. This helps to keep your account
secure, by ensuring no one can add
a clock to your account without your
4. Confirm that your account
information is correct.
5. Select a time zone based on the
location of the clock- it is GMT for
the UK.
6. Set your Administrator Passcode
a. T his 5-digit code will be used
to access administrator-only
functions. If you ever lose it, it
can be recovered by visiting your
uAttend Account.
7. Clock setup is now complete!