PKI Certificate Installation Utility for WIN32/NT
PKI Certificate Installation Utility for WIN32/NT
The main purpose of the PKI Certificate Installation utility is to provide functions
that support automated installation of digital certificates onto multiple switches.
Installation of digital certificates is one part of the process for upgrading switches
to support Secure Fabric operations.
The file should be downloaded from the HP website at Unzipping it installs
the pkicert executable and required DLLs in the nt_pki folder in the location
where the zip file is unzipped. To access the file:
This utility may be used interactively via its text-based, menu-driven interface or
it may be used from the command line. The command-line (batch mode) usage
exists to support use of its functions from a script.
The easiest way to use this utility is to run it interactively by running the pkicert
executable with no task-option arguments. An argument of -h prints the brief
command line usage information. You can read more detailed help information by
starting it with no command-line arguments and interactively choosing Help from
the main menu.
The PKI Certificate utility always writes event and error information to a log file,
by appending information to an existing log file or creating a new one if one does
not exist.
You must provide the IP addresses or switch names (domain aliases) of one switch
in each fabric you want to access. The utility operates on all switches in a fabric.
You can not target a single switch in a multi-switch fabric.
— Locate the networked storage section of the web page.
— Under networked storage go to the by type subsection.
— Click SAN infrastructure. The SAN infrastructure page displays.
— Locate the fibre channel switches section.
— Go to the infrastructure or entry subsection. Click the appropriate
switch. The switch overview page displays.
— Go to the product information section. Select software & drivers.
Secure Fabric OS for Version 3.1.x/4.1.x Firmware Release Notes