HP Xw460c - ProLiant - Blade Workstation Implementation Manual - Page 31

Browse online or download pdf Implementation Manual for Switch HP Xw460c - ProLiant - Blade Workstation. HP Xw460c - ProLiant - Blade Workstation 35 pages. Mezzanine card installation instructions for supported hp proliant c-class bladesystem servers
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HP Xw460c - ProLiant - Blade Workstation Implementation Manual
Issue 14
Device Manager shows error for the VGA and VGASave devices on a Prosignia 200 Server
Issue 15
Default video resolution not retained by Windows 2000 after installation
Issue 16
V70 Monitor driver does not install during Windows 2000 installation
Issue 17
Device Manager shows error for the VGA and VGASave devices on a Prosignia 200 Server
Issue 18
Hot plug status indicator not updated
Issue 19
Adding an EISA channel controller
Under Device Manager | Show Hidden Devices, the VGASave device displays
with a yellow bang and the VGA device is grayed out. Both show the same
message under Device Status on the Properties screen:
This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its
drivers installed. (Code 24).
However, the device functions correctly. HP is working with Microsoft to resolve
the erroneous message.
After an upgrade to Windows 2000, the default video resolution might not be
If the Display Properties screen appears, ensure the settings are correct for the
configuration and select Apply. Otherwise, reset the video settings after
installing Windows 2000 by right clicking the background and selecting
Properties | Settings | Display Type | Detect.
After installation completes and the system has restarted, the HP V70 monitor
can be selected and the driver installed through the Control Panel or the
From the Desktop, right click and select Properties | Advanced | Monitor |
Properties. The V70 monitor will install from the Windows 2000 media. HP is
working with Microsoft to correct this problem.
Hibernation not supported on the Prosignia Server 720 and the HP ProLiant
400 server.
Hibernation is not supported for the Prosignia Server 720 or the HP ProLiant
400 server with current ROM revisions.
Hot plug status indicator not updated when fiber optic cable is removed.
In Windows NT 4.0, the PCI Hot Plug status indicator (not the power indicator)
updates when the fiber optic cable is removed from a controller. However, in
Windows 2000, the HP Remote Console Monitor service does not include this
feature and the status indicator does not update.
Windows 2000 loads specific drivers to the operating system when it discovers
ACPI-capable servers during installation. However, it does not install the proper
settings of ACPI if they are not discovered at installation.
Changing ACPI settings after installation requires reinstalling the operating