Olympus BHT-312 Instruction Manual - Page 21

Browse online or download pdf Instruction Manual for Microscope Olympus BHT-312. Olympus BHT-312 22 pages. Bht series

c) Lamp goes off and on.
B ul b f il ament is lik ely to
b u r n ou t.
Re pl ace bu lb.
Loose electric connections. Check all connections.
d) Bu l b b urn s ou t f req u e n tly . Line voltage selector switch is
not matched with local mains
Match selector switch to
mains voltage.
Bu l b i s n ot s ta nda rd o ne .
Use standard bulb.
3. Coarse and Fine Adjustments
a) Coarse adjustment knob is
t oo ti g h t.
Tension adjustment ring is
tightened too much.
Loosen ring properly.
User is trying to raise stage
above the focusing limit im-
posed by the engaged pre-
focusing lever.
Unlock lever.
b) Stage drops or specimen
goes out of focus during
observation due to slipping
fine adjustment knobs.
Tension adjustment ring is
too loose.
Tighten ring properly.
c) Stage cannot be raised to
the u pp e r l i mi t.
Pre-focusing lever is engaged
in lower than focusing posi-
t io n .
Unlock lever.
d) Stage cannot be lowered
t o t h e l o w e r l i m i t .
Stage is mounted too low.
Raise stage mount with Allen
e) Objective front lens hits
specimen before coming
into focus.
Specimen is placed on stage
upside down.
Reverse specimen.
4. Observation Tubes
a) Inc o m p le te b i no cu l a r v i-
s io n .
I nterpupillary d istance is not
correctly adjusted.
Correct the interpupillary dis-
Diopter adjustment is incom-
Complete the diopter adjust-
Right and left eyepieces are
not matched.
Use a pair of matched eye-
User is unaccustomed to bi-
n o cula r vi sion .
P ri or to lo oki ng i nto th e b i-
nocular observation tube, look
at a far away object.
5. Stage
a) lmage easily goes out of
focus when you touch the
Stage is not correctly locked. Clamp stage securely.
b) Specimen stops midway
on the east-west traverse.
Specimen is not correctly po-
s it i o ned .
Adjust specimen position.