Alpha-Med Alpha-Stim PPM Owner's Manual - Page 6
Browse online or download pdf Owner's Manual for Personal Care Products Alpha-Med Alpha-Stim PPM. Alpha-Med Alpha-Stim PPM 11 pages. Personal pain manager microcurrent stimulator for control of acute, chronic, and post operative pain
available through your authorized Alpha-Stim® distributor. Some electrodes are as much as 20 times less conductive
tand will not allow the Alpha-Stim® current to penetrate the skin resistance. A separate individual package of
electrodes should be used for each person using the device.
Follow your physician's recommendations or use the following electrode placement guidelines:
There are only a few principles one must remember when treating pain with the Alpha-Stim® PPM. You should be in
a relaxed position to receive maximum beneficial effects. The most important variable is the position of the self-
adhesive AS-Trode™ electrode pads. Always place the AS-Trode™ electrodes in such a way that if a line were
drawn between them, that line would transect the problem area. Keep in mind that the body is 3-dimensional.
Therefore, there will be many possible ways to draw a line through the problem area. Some lines will work much
better than others. The correct electrode location is the one that works! However, the one that works may be
transient, working well one day, but ineffective another day. As the problem begins to resolve, the electrode locations
may require constant adjustments.
For optimum results, silver AS-Trode™ electrodes may be moved around the problem area. Think in terms of
Consider treating related areas located above, below, left, and right. Treat both sides of your body. This is essential in
back problems, but treating the opposite side is also often helpful in arm and leg problems. Our natural tendency to
protect a bad knee can cause problems to develop in the other knee. Treatment of the other "good" knee may be
necessary to get any results or to increase the longevity of the results. Then it is helpful to connect the 2 knees. This
is done by putting one of the pads from a single channel on each knee, and moving them around to a few different
Often the pain will migrate as a response to therapy. Follow it. Use the same treatment strategy described above for
the pain's new location. In some very rare cases, the treatment may initially increase pain temporarily. If the pain
does increase, continued treatment will usually produce good results. An increase in pain is most likely due to the
treatment's effects on the body's compensation for the pain. For example, a weakness of the muscles on one side of
the back often results in a tightness on the opposite side. If the tighter muscles are causing the pain, and treatment is
concentrated solely on the area of pain, the other side will find other ways to compensate. That is why it is always
best to treat a broad area around the pain.
Do not place the electrodes too close together. For example, one right next to each side of the spine is not a good
for back pain. In this 2-dimensional example the current will travel just under the surface of the skin to the other
electrode and not penetrate to the area requiring treatment. Here it would be better to put one electrode next to the
spine and the other on the opposite side of the body, on the side, near the front. Another possible electrode
placement for back pain is to place one on each side of the body (between the shoulders and the hips) at the level of
Some people require a few minutes, or an hour or more of stimulation daily. Others may need to use the Alpha-Stim®
PPM continuously, all day long.
Helpful Suggestions:
Reevaluate your pain using the 0 to 10 scale after one hour of treatment. For some simple problems, it is preferable
to reevaluate more often. Use the original criteria. Stop when the pain is completely gone, or when the improvement
has reached a plateau after several hours. Continuing to treat the area at this time may cause the pain to return! If the
pain is gone, it is far better to stop treatment until the pain returns.If you can no longer identify any pain, but feel stiff,
this indicates that it is time to stop treatment. The Alpha-Stim® will not reduce residual stiffness. Usually post-pain
stiffness will wear off by itself.
Although most people will have an immediate response to treatment, in some the effects will be delayed, continuing
to improve over a day or 2 after the treatment. In these people, relief will generally occur 1 to 3 hours after treatment
or even as late as the next morning. Some people will experience a combination effect, continuing to improve over
time. People who experience a delayed effect are more difficult to treat due to lack of immediate feedback which
helps to determine the best electrode locations. Usually, people who experience a delayed effect from Alpha-Stim®
treatment also have a delayed effect with anesthetics. If your dentist had to wait more than 10 minutes after injecting
anesthetic prior to doing dental procedures, you may have a delayed effect from Alpha-Stim® treatment. A treatment
diary is helpful in analyzing your progress if you have a delayed effect.