ABB ACS880-01 Series User Manual - Page 4

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Controller ABB ACS880-01 Series. ABB ACS880-01 Series 18 pages. Industrial drives
Also for ABB ACS880-01 Series: Installation Manual (20 pages), Quick Installation Manual (14 pages), Manual (16 pages), Quick Installation And Start-Up Manual (17 pages)

ABB ACS880-01 Series User Manual

Safety instructions

General safety instructions
These safety instructions are intended for all personnel who work on the drive. For
complete safety instructions, see the drive manuals.
Ignoring these instructions can cause physical injury or death, or damage the
equipment. All electrical installations and maintenance work on the drive should be
carried out by qualified electricians only.
• Make sure that the drive and all adjoining equipment are properly
• Do not attempt any maintenance on powered drive.
• After switching off the mains, always allow the intermediate circuit
capacitors 5 minutes to discharge before doing any maintenance
work on frequency converter, the motor or the motor cable.
• It is good practice to check (with a voltage indicating instrument) that
the drive is in fact discharged before beginning work.
If the demo unit is operated within the transportation enclosure, please
note that the motors and drives have less air available for cooling, which
may result in overheating.
Safety input connections
The safety connections in the demo are made as in the picture below. Safety inputs
2, 3 and 4 are not in use by default. Note that if the IO-cable is not connected, it will
automatically result in activation of the STO (safe torque off).
(The red button on the lower left corner of the demo)
User's manual – ACS880 01 democase
STO 1 & 2