DigiGrid MGB User Manual - Page 10

Browse online or download pdf User Manual for Music Equipment DigiGrid MGB. DigiGrid MGB 15 pages.
Also for DigiGrid MGB: User Manual (19 pages)

Native Configuration
Access the MGB/MGO control panel through the System Inventory tab in the
SoundGrid Driver Control Panel Application.
1. Open the SoundGrid driver control panel.
o Mac: Shortcut is located on the Mac Dock or in Applications > Waves >
o PC: Shortcut is located on the desktop or in C:\Program Files (x86)\
2. In the MAIN tab, turn the driver ON.
3. Under Driver Mode, set the driver to Standalone mode.
4. Under Local LAN Port, choose the adapter that is connected to the SoundGrid
network/ MGB/MGO. Network adapters are displayed as MAC addresses and
port names. When you select the correct port, the message "SoundGrid Network
Found" will appear on the panel.
5. Click on the System Inventory tab to display all SoundGrid I/O devices connected
to your network.
6. Assign MGB/MGO in the Assign column. Use consecutive numbers for multiple
devices, with the first unit assigned as number 1.
7. Click Settings to open the control panel.
User Guide